Wow Problems is it my PC?

So I built my desktop last year and its never been fantastic when it comes to playing Wow - I play on custom graphic setting but definitley not maxing things out (ray tracing off) and in Valdraken’s main area I tend to get about 40 fps - in raids I get much better fps definitely over 60. The issue is I get periodic lag spikes and my computer crashes (again occasionally). Yet when I play on my M1 Mac Studio I get 80+ fps in Valdraken, no lag spikes and could not be more stable.

PC Parts
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 7600
GPU: 6800 XT
Ram: 32 gigs DDR 5

Is my specs to low to play Wow? I would have thought I could play on max setting with Ray Tracing on but clearly that is not the case. That being said I don’t know much about PC parts so maybe my computer is not as good as I thought it was.

Have you tried the latest GPU drivers from AMD? The AMD GPUS have had issues with wow and dx 12 for a while. The new drivers suposedly fix that issue

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I updated them a few months ago when these issues were really coming to a head and have not noticed any difference. I will double check to make sure there is not another update that I missed since then.

No, we mean the driver from the last 2 days that others are reporting as working well. A few months is a long time to wait between GPU updates these days :slight_smile:

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I will do that now.

Just an update, I ran an LFR today to check on the lag issue. My computer seemed to run fine so hopefully updating the driver fixed the issue (the problem is of course my lag issue was very sporadic so if there is an issue it could take a few days of raiding to show up). But so far, I am hopefull. Just a follow up question regarding my PC’s hardware specs. When I put together the PC I thought it would easily handel wow even at ultra setting. Was I wrong?

Update: The intermittent lag spikes still persist.