WoW players: "This tank is clueless. Kick him immediately."

Never seen Tank got kicked on Timewalking before.

I saw something like this just this morning. I was doing a Heroic Stonevault and by the 2nd pack of mobs in the first room someone voted to kick the tank because they weren’t going fast enough.

Vote to kicked failed and we made it through the rest of the dungeon fairly quickly. There was a part of me that wanted to drop in chat so the Tank could see that a vote failed, but I thought it was probably best left alone.

did you see the thread I posted some months back about this?
Literally said that tanks should know a basic path thru the dungeon BEFORE tanking it…and if you didnt see it…WOW…you should have.

Every one of them on that discord suddenly decided that tanks should go in 100% clueless just so they could disagree with something lmao

I am not stalking you.

I used to watch multiple videos prior to running a dungeon, but now I find one video followed by a follower dungeon is adequate. No one would ever know the tank has not been doing that dungeon all along.

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i have played this game since vanilla and when tw comes around i also have no clue where to go but its really simple, just follow the group.

if the group doesnt move as a unit and everyone is confused where to go, then you all begin the search of where to go.

these posts of people votekicking is just trying to stir up drama as usual lol, or they trolled their group and trying to make it seem like they didnt.

no not you…S and that group.

It was hilarious because we all can agree that tanks NEED to know the run well enough before tanking it.

I made a thread asking for just that and they all piled in literally hating on the idea and its solely because it was me posting it.

They remind me of one of my family members. lol
Shes hated guns since I was a kid, but when Obama got in office and tried to enact some gun control, because she hated Obama she suddenly did a 180 and LOVES guns now…well, until he was out of office, that is.

I just got a kick reading your post knowing that youre right…but if you press the wrong buttons in here some of these folks will literally argue against their own previous stance just to disagree… lol

I find that the drama is stirred up by the contrarians in here who HAVE to disagree with anything the OP says just to hear themselves talking.

Imagine if you and anyone who thinks the OP is a liar had just kept your nose out of the discussion?
Thered be no drama in this thread, now would there?

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why would we do that? this is a public forum. if you dont want the public to see, read or respond to your posts, stop posting on a public forum? lmfao


and its literally just common sense to not believe random trolls on wow forums or the internet in general. blindly believing random stuff u read online is peak brain rot


The point stands…no one asked you to come in this thread to be a contrarian.
You could do like I do when I see a topic that I know is there for drama…put it on mute and walk away.

Instead you and a list of others prefer to come in here calling the OP liar because you clearly dont PUG enough with randoms to see the kick abuse MANY of us have.

Being an open forum doesnt mean you are forced to respond to every thread.

so asking for proof is contrarian in your mind? good lord lmao

correct. but i can if i want to because its a public forum. do you not understand that? lmfao are you okay bro


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its an asinine request…you know it…which confirms youre just here to troll
WHAT is the proof here? screen shots? that can be photoshopped? lmao…not even blizzard accepts that as proof. lol

There is NO proof to offer…you knew that when you asked.

Now I will be the adult here and end THIS drama with you by ignoring you.

lmao yeah you are the bigger person for sure

and no, asking for proof of your random claims is not BeInG CoNtRaRiAn


Actually, enough players disagree that a tank should know the run first that we can’t really say ALL. They claim that they tanked it and figured it out as they went without making any mistakes the first time, and if you watch videos you are wasting your time.

I dont know about videos but I would think no one would want someone learning the dungeon the first time as tank lol.

Id at the very least run it a dozen times as DPS and watch the tank every time to get an idea of what to do, where to go…what to watch out for…how to position…

This is just basic game play stuff this forum agrees with every time Ive seen it mentioned…well, till that one thread I made lmao.

Lets keep the kick threads coming. Let the trolls continue to Parrot its for any reason and its your fault you got kicked for said reason. Even if it is your mog sucks.


Blizzard is the one that said that. lol

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it needs to be reworked
I dont think any of us are seriously asking for the kick to be removed.
if anything, leave it alone and just fix that timeout crap that is being used currently to to troll players with.

Blizzard: Its for any reason.
Players: :parrot: It’s for any reason. :parrot:
Also Players: :parrot: It’s your fault you got kicked. :parrot:


frikkin HILARIOUS, aint it?

Bliz gives them a free pass to abuse players with the kick, turns a blind eye to BAD behavior…and then they exonerate their bad behavior by blaming blizzards rules

I seriously wonder about the personality type that abuses others for kicks because they know they wont be punished. What else are they doing?

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i mean you are right. it is your fault if 4 other players decide you are the problem. and if its continually YOU getting kicked, clearly you are the problem

it aint that complicated