WoW on Gamepass - Feb 15th Official Xbox Podcast stated all Blizzard games are coming

I could see them giving a bundling incentive where you get a discount if you have both a WoW subscription and a Game Pass. That would incentivize some who have one or the other to get both.

I suppose but no one is going to play WoW on a console if they are having to pay double the sub fee for a subpar product lol.

If they require gamepass for WOW I’m gone instantly.

Ah the typical misinformation thread; we haven’t seen a bit of these recently. Microsoft did NOT say ALL Blizzard games are coming to Game Pass, just that some are starting with Diablo IV.

Interesting, yeah we will see how this goes I guess

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Heard somewhere Microsoft was considering dropping X-Box and consoles. Dunno if true.

I only keep one console and PC game for everything else.

They’re coming out with a more powerful version the Series X later this year. Wherever you heard that rumor is either lying or very misinformed.

Raises hand

I dont play consoles or even steam subscription games. So have absolutely no clue how it works.

For people that own an X Box, like me, Game Pass is a huge deal. There are hundreds of games that one can play for a monthly sub only slightly more than a WoW sub. In the 5 or so years I’ve had Game Pass I’ve only bought 2 games out of the 30 or 40 I’ve played.

It’s the same on PC. The PC only version is only $9.99 and has hundreds of games including all (?) EA, Microsoft, and Bethesda games plus a few from Epic, Ubisoft and numerous smaller/indie developers.

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only thing they are doing is moving from exclusives. that might be the mix up a lot of people getting

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I’ve got ultimate so I get both versions.

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I’m pretty sure they’ll still do limited time exclusives so X Box and PC owners get 6 months to a year with a game before they port them to other consoles.

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they might do that or say we love money and have them on all devises day one
look at sony helldiver is on both ps/pc so sony is getting their toes wet in pc market now.
money is being made. instead of just one demographic of players

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I’m all for killing the brand specific exclusive.

I love it when the forums tell me I’ve posted a lot and should let others post as if my posting is stopping someone else from posting.

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Interesting, how was it subbpar?

Limited inventory space for one and numerous other forced limitations that went away once I ponied up 15 bucks a month.

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Oh interesting, ESO imposes it’s non-sub limitations on game pass players.


I didn’t have to pay for the game or expansions with Game Pass which was cool but you still had to deal with the no subscription limitations of the game.

I was just thinking that, it sounds like they just act as another passthrough launcher with Gamepass similar to how if you own FF14 on Steam, you could just use the standalone client or Steam and its just another step to launch the game.

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