Unless the Gamepass servers are in a new “Region” and people would have to start over.
Did they specifically mention WoW? Or is it all Blizzard games on console are coming to gamepass?
Many people don’t know what the gamepass is… but they should. It really is a good deal.
I tried playing ESO through Game Pass and it was a very subpar experience to having an actual subscription.
I’ve bought like 2 actual X-Box games in the 6 years I’ve had a Game Pass subscription. Game Pass is awesome.
I better not have to sub to Game Pass for games I already own.
If you look at the games on gamepass most are pretty old, majority are single player and none are subscription based. Realistically we’re going to see Overwatch 2 become apart of it at some point. Diablo 4 was already announced, maybe Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm at some point for Blizzard games and probably some Call of Duty games add there as well from Activision side.
Black Desert Online and ESO, while not requiring a subscription, are two games that offer subs that I can remember right now.
eso did had a sub at one time
but they changed it to f2p and sub
I know. I played ESO for about a year first doing the F2P thing and hated that so much I subbed.
As long as I can continue to sub to wow without having to get game pass I dont care.
I suspect if WoW ever comes to GamePass, it’ll be like an extended free trial, not like a subscription. So like to level 50 or something like that.
I know at least 30 people right off the top of my head that either currently have both or have had both a wow subscription and Xbox game pass (ultimate).
They specifically said Diablo 4 and some others but there is no confirmation of WoW yet.
Right now it’s just a gussing game on players end.
Pretty sure they’ll let players know one way or another eventually. Kind of like fixing the skyboxing issue.
Hi. waves Now you know 31.
I had the same experience with SWTOR back in the day. Tried playing on a F2P account and there were just so many restrictions you’re effectively not even playing the game. Ended up paying the $15/mo so I could actually do stuff.
Neither of these are on PC gamepass lol.
Never was it stated anywhere in the OP we were talking about PC Game Pass exclusively.
WoW isn’t on console…
And? Who’s to say in this hypothetical WoW goes to Game Pass discussion it doesn’t go to the X-Box to increase potential players as well. I mean if we’re going to talk about things that most likely won’t happen we may as well go all in on the fantasy.