Why are Oceania servers together with Americas? Why not join some Asian servers like South Korea, Taiwan or China in the future? The ping will be much better (maybe ~100?) and there will be more people to play the game, despite the language problem.
Cause we already have sub 100 ping on NA servers. I sit around the 70-90 mark playing in Zuljun from Qld, Aus. Secondly they are a seperate region TW, much like NA and EU.
Language is a huge hurdle there.
Honestly, with the advancements in AI translation, there’s no reason blizzard cannot implement their own language translator.
I’d love to be connected to the asian servers instead of the NA server, or even in addition to.
Perth is always over 100 ping on NA servers.
I agree
I am tired of playing Arenas ( or most bgs usually ) as melee against 150+ms. It almost never procs the Sydney server
At least give me the toggle to ONLY match locally
I will wait an hour to play Aussie only
Insert token boomer comment “you kids obviously didn’t cut your teeth playing in 2007 on ADSL… I would have killed for 100-200ms ping”.
think this might be something at your end…I get 16ms in Melbourne
Perth is in Western Australia. Melbourne is 3000km away. 100 ping for us is pretty normal on NA servers. OCE servers best for Perth is 50-54
Enjoy your wonderful speed my friend.
I get 9 in sydney, 21 in Melbourne to our local servers. To USA west coast servers I get 180 and east coast servers 240.
Thru my former work I had to connect to South Korea, Tokyo, Singapore and New York. SE Asian/Asian connections for me were not noticeably better than US connections.
They are too stingy to improve, look how long it took them to improve the characters animation.
Real talk…has any live service, game or otherwise, incorporated instant AI based language translation? Because I dont know of any.
Not to give to much credit to Blizz, but you cant blame them or call them stingy for not creating brand new technology to connect player regions. lol.
It also wouldnt surprise me if someone already has a patent for that that they would have to contend with.