Wow needs more femboys

Not about realism. Just not wow style. You got blood elf or you can play final fantasy with its cringe cat boys.
The style of wow doesnt lend itself to what you ask. Besides…got void elves and blood elves…kind of sick of pretty boi types.

I want burly beefy gruff bears and daddies no more dandies.

Why would I need to know about something so trivial and unimportant? Not exactly something vital to learn about in history but knowing that now. Still dont really care…wow isnt Persian and last I seen people were complaining about steryotypes in wow races so…

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It’s easier to pull off an androgynous look with a male blood elf than with any other male character.

I wanted to make this character a blood elf so this name would make sense but ultimately I really wanted to be able to mail myself stuff from my Alliance characters

I think people are getting the terms twink, femboy, and androgynous confused.

Male Blood elves are clearly male. They have masculine jawlines and broad shoulders. Just because they don’t have a lot of muscles doesn’t mean they’re not masculine.


Blood Elves are the most played race already.


The fact that they don’t have a lot of muscles is part of why if you wanted to make a character that’s a dude who doesn’t look like a super manly man in any way you’d play a blood elf, because nothing else really comes close. Even void elves aren’t as good because their unique skin options make them look too gaunt and their hair options aren’t as cute.

The shoulders and jawline and whatnot are all things you can work around. My blood elf priest’s transmog makes those features not very noticeable at all. I couldn’t do that with any race that doesn’t use the male belf model

(Also in the TBC beta they had to beef them up because people complained that they didn’t look manly enough.)

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This is still very funny


Agreed. No more genders. Reduce all races to blobs:

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It’s all that hair. If they didn’t have the long, flowing hair option I don’t think they’d get the labeling they do.

Don’t make ridiculous, claims like “femboys can’t survive in war.” and not do the slightest bit of research. Both of your opinions are completely wrong. There’s no other way to say it.

Weird ageism.

Edit: Removed “homophobic,” because it honestly doesn’t fit. Also, made this a little nicer.


As a gay ex military I’m not refering to real life but against a hulking orc or tauren no I would not survive. But sure I guess not knowing my background youd assume I’m being “phobic” against what I am…yeah ok. Sure. Its about as nonsense as the post its semantic passing back and forth.

More so its just not my cup of tea. I’m gay because I love masculine strength not feminine men. Guess a classic stone wall not into this new age flamboyant hyper fem boy style it is now so I guess if thats whats considered homosexual the offensive stereotype then yes I am against that because its one note and really ignorant.


Blood Elf males are anything but effeminate. Fussy, prissy and vain, yes, but not effeminate. If anything they try too hard to put on a masculine facade.


Deathgrips Stompypotato back into thread.

/evil laugh


People like to make assumptions and draw conclusions not knowing you can both be something and speak the truth about it even if it is in a less than favorable light.

Although this is a video game and doesn’t need to follow the rules of real life like body size making a difference (Gnome Warrior vs Tauren Warrior).


means you’re speaking from a lorewise standpoint and not an in game standpoint then the conversation shifts again!
The importance of having all information :slight_smile:

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Well played.


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The word “femboy” actually has nothing to do with sexual orientation, so I apologize for that. A femboy is just a man with traditionally feminine characteristics. The more accurate term is “toxically masculine,” if you’re against that kind of thing. It really just makes no sense to assume they wouldn’t survive in a war just because of that.


Yeah, you were referring to real life, kinda.

You described war in general, here, not just in-game. Not to mention, there’s like zero chance being “feminine” would have an effect on whether you can survive a war, both in game or irl. And Tauren and orcs can be “femboys,” too, I guess. :rofl:

Anyway, this conversation is gonna get weird,


Aye…it already got weird in my head…not surviving against an orc or tauren had different thoughts…love a battlefeild and all that…idk I just think in terms of sexuality because ive never met a straight feminine looking guy… Unlesss David Bowie counts.

More David Bowie Labyrinth men in wow I would always say yes to though…

Ok I reverse my stance more femboys in wow could be acceptable.

You can’t imagine how much I don’t care what you think.


Still: weird ageism.

More eye candy in general for, most, every desire. There’s some stuff that should not be shown.