WoW needs a pity system for collectors

1- Why I am asking for it?

This is my first post here: I play WoW since TBC, and i got all tier sets transmogs from classic to shadowlands in my main character, a warrior.

Except Tier 1, because the Gauntlets of might REFUSE to drop! I’m in serious bad luck!

It is so frustrating to waste my time every week in molten core to kill the first boss and not finish my T1. Even after crafting 5 sulfuras and 3 thunderfuries in different characters.

2- My solution (not my favorite):

Add some kind of account bound currency for finishing PVE content like old raids, killing old raid bosses, or a questline for clearing the raid 3 to 5 times (just like the skips).

This currency can be used to buy tier set, weapons and even mounts from any old raid just like we can buy PvP transmog from vendors using Marks of Honor.

Just put the Vendor NPC in the door of every raid. A bronze dragon or something.

3- My favorite solution that fixes many problems.

Make so people that have glory of the raider achievement from a certain raid to receive ALL transmogs from that raid.

Because what’s the point of going back to that raid if you got all achievements? might as well give us the appearances from that raid too.

This solution makes players stop wasting their time going alone to solo old raids for the 100th time with their alts instead of playing with each other.

Instead they will make groups on group finder, and help each other get achievements and not fight over transmog loot. You know, like an MMO?

Its a Win-Win, less time wasted doing “chores” and more people playing with each other and achieving their collectors dream TOGETHER!

Clearing these collections faster will allow more people to try their hands at PVP and PVE, trying other classes and other kinds of content that they haven’t been doing because they were farming things for eternity.

I know people with more than 500+ tries on mounts like Elegon and Invincible.

These mounts are more than 10 years old. Let people have their fun instead of pandering to elitist players that don’t like people to have stuff.