Wow needs a cavalry charge into certain death

Yes, and I am asking: why were the Horde not in combat from the beginning? Why did they wait some time before charging in?

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Cavalry charges are pretty epic.

If they could do that in a scenario or something and not just a cutscene… whew.


For the record, General Fordragon even told Dranosh “I was wondering if you’d show up”.

The zug zug squad certainly took their sweet time to charge in. :rofl:

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Because you can’t charge in combat, you intervene or intercept

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Is that a personal memory, eh?


If Draenosh was a real Warrior, he would’ve specced into Double Time. No need to go Out of Combat.


Give him a break he was fury in BC and rerolled to blood after.

I have been thinking about Calvary in WoW for a while now, ever since I saw the talent tree for the Riders of the Apocalypse for death Knights that allows for DK’s to fight while mounted and summon the 4 horsemen with an army of the dead cast. A really cool thematic ability to be sure. However, I keep thinking about this in regards to those 40 v 40 class fights I used to watch, and while I know it would be super laggey (and probably would not work at all, as I only skimmed a video on the tree) I cannot for the life of me get the idea of 40 DK’s all casting army of the dead summoning 160 additional horsemen and a load of zombies just charging a line of entrenched hunters or something and just washing over them, or dying gloriously in the charge.

Again probably impossible but would be really cool IMO.