Wow needs a cavalry charge into certain death

Don’t get mad at me for pointing out the obvious. Besides, the first Horde was an actual threat. The current incarnation? Can’t even handle having a Warchief.



OP if you want to watch people die without having to do anything I’d suggest respeccing to BM.

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Just dont tell the night elves that.


It’s the other way around.
No singular Warchief can handle us. :sunglasses:


Don’t get mad at me for pointing out the obvious. Besides, the first Horde was an actual threat. The current incarnation? Can’t even handle having a Warchief.


If the New Horde wasn’t a threat, how come the Alliance -always- need the assistance of Horde rebels to overcome the villainous Warchief?

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World of Warcraft had to have two factions. Metzen wouldn’t let the more inferior faction get meat-grindered out of the game despite where the story goes.

You literally had Vol’jin send in waves of Horde against the Iron Juggernaut, twice, and was about to send in a third after watching the first two get demolished.

Horde are not particularly bright to survive by themselves.


hmm … if you’re looking for examples of certain death, I feel Faramir’s charge into Osgilith had a lower survival rate than the Ride of the Rohirrim.

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World of Warcraft had to have two factions. Metzen wouldn’t let the more inferior faction get meat-grindered out of the game despite where the story goes.

You literally had Vol’jin send in waves of Horde against the Iron Juggernaut, twice, and was about to send in a third after watching the first two get demolished.

Horde are not particularly bright to survive by themselves.

And yet the Alliance can’t decisively win a war against the New Horde without the assistance of Horde rebels. I’m not sure you realize that by calling the Horde so inferior and pathetic that it makes the Alliance seem THAT much worse by their -NEEDING- Horde assistance to take down the Warchief?


Metzen wouldn’t let the more inferior faction get meat-grindered out of the game despite where the story goes.

Tell me you didn’t pay attention to the story without telling me you didn’t pay attention to the story.

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o yeah, I see, fixed it. cavalry

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Someone didn’t see the end of the Siege of Orgrimmar. It was so bad that even Wrathion was all in for the Alliance, until the plot armor kicked in.

It’s okay. When Xalatath claps your cheeks like Garrosh, Sylvannas, the Centaurs, and… the Murlocs, just come running to the Alliance and we’ll make it all better.

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Someone didn’t see the end of the Siege of Orgrimmar. It was so bad that even Wrathion was all in for the Alliance, until the plot armor kicked in.

There was no plot armor involved with SoO’s end.

It’s okay. When Xalatath claps your cheeks like Garrosh, Sylvannas, the Centaurs, and… the Murlocs, just come running to the Alliance and we’ll make it all better.

Just like how you always run to us for assistance when you can’t beat a Warchief by yourselves?

Run to you? You were already there getting your asses handed to you. You just happened to be in the way of the real army and took credit when it was convenient.

Here’s a fun fact:
Teenager Aduin Wrynn did more damage to Garrosh than Vol’jin ever did.

You just happened to be in the way of the real army and took credit when it was convenient.

You mean like how Tyrande just -happened- to show up when the Iron Juggernaught was destroyed by the Darkspear Rebellion (aka: when the Rebellion took care of the work -for- her)

Here’s a fun fact:
Teenager Aduin Wrynn did more damage to Garrosh than Vol’jin ever did.

Ah yes, nullifying the Divine Bell did more damage to Garrosh then leading the force that deposed him as Warchief. Very, very smart thinking.

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Those same Darkspear Rebels that were stonewalled in their tracks by a literal door? Must’ve been pretty embarrassing when ‘Shadowhunter’ Vol’jin lost all of his artillery before getting to the gates and General Nazgrim verbally tattooing an L on his forehead.

At least Anduin fought Garrosh in actual combat. Meanwhile, the spawn of the Troll Chieftan that got unalived by Murlocs didn’t even get to that point and almost got killed by the most obvious assassin since Garona Halforcen.

There are a couple intense “cavalry-like” cinematic scenes

The f-18 scene with the first encounter in Independence Day

The last tank battle in Fury

But the charge at Helms Deep and especially at Pelennor Fields are amazing

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Those same Darkspear Rebels were stonewalled in their tracks by a literal door? Must’ve been pretty embarrassing when ‘Shadowhunter’ Vol’jin lost all of his artillery before getting to the gates and General Nazgrim verbally tattooing an L on his forehead.

Not at all. The defenses of Orgrimmar were mighty, and Nazgrim has always been a very competent leader. Taking also into consideration that defenders always have natural advantage over attackers -and- the Darkspear Rebellion were taking the brunt of the True Horde long before reinforcements arrived? It’s understandable that the Shadow Hunter Vol’jin would be in a rough position. Definitely not as embarassing for the Alliance when one of their leaders had to be lectured by a human several thousand times younger then them in strategy (this same leader was going to wander into an obvious trap)

At least Anduin fought Garrosh in actual combat. Meanwhile, the spawn of the Troll Chieftan that got unalived by Murlocs didn’t even get to that point and almost got killed by the most obvious assassin since Garona Halforcen.

It’s comical to call Anduin fighting Garrosh actual combat. And Rak’gor’s bladework is just simply fast, even Thrall was startled by how fast Rak’gor moved in War Crimes.

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That’s not how it works in this game.

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Two words: Legion introduction.

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To be fair, we could only use Thrall and Baine to directly tank the fleet of starships firing death lasers for so long while Varian opted to monologue.

Though Gul’dan was definitely planning on dropping that 10-story Fel Reaver on your heads regardless of what happened, so I’m not actually sure if it would’ve made a difference since the whole thing was a trap anyway.

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