|Demon Hunter|Havoc|82.27|102.37|
|Hunter|Beast Mastery|81.27|103.00|
|Death Knight|Unholy|76.66|95.53|
|Death Knight|Frost|76.53|91.68|
Dont need to state the obvious right? You guys are watching and looking at the data?
What is the point of this post?
Just want to point out the disparity between the dps classes ? Not sure if you know how to read between the lines or are you the representitive of the average iq ret?
Good lord you are toxic, disgusting contributions
I havnt made a contribution but paste the data that already exists the classes are imbalanced and there was no attempt to fix it in the class tunings last week.
You responded with condescension to a genuine question, projecting your discontent on others doesn’t help anything.
Holy paladin is also in an atrocious spot, Even heard issues with prot.
Be a little kinder with those you want to join your side and you may find more willing to advocate for the same cause
Mate get a life? You posted whats the point of this when its clearly obvious i even commented underneath the original post i find you to be toxic.
Like seriously are you some paid employee to dampen the serious lack of attention to detail? Like you come and troll on posts of people who are advocating for change by diverting the problem? Ludicris that you even questioning the point of the post. Do you work for Blizzard ?
What’s the point in using all percentiles?
Use 90%+ that shows the potential of the spec.
If others had Ferraris and can get to 80mph, but we got an older audi model that also goes to 80mph it doesn’t mean we’re on equal ground when the Ferraris can go to 180mph and our audi model can barely reach 150mph.
That’s why using high % is an indicator of how the spec performs at near its maximum, it shows the cap of the spec, the limitations that a player is subjected to.
90% last week statistics show:
That ret is 2nd to last and idk if it’s cause aug sucks or not, but i heard there are some unresolved hooks, maybe it’s just hearsay your honor but let’s say ret is 2nd to last.
can rogue do utilities and off-heals? u are playing different class, go play rogue b/c if rogue is at the bottom, they’ll be questioning themselves, what’s the point of all rounder all 3 spec dps class.
So how much is the ret paladins utility and offheal actually worth?
How many ret paladins were in the world first race? 0
How many rogues? 2 of the same spec
Apparently it’s better to bring in 2 rogues of the same spec than a ret paladin.
That’s not okay.
Ret paladin utility is redundant with Holy and Prot, so nothing they bring matters in the end. And offhealing doesn’t matter in raids.
If rogue has a bad DPS spec they can spec on one of the others.
Or in this case, all 3 rogue specs are top 3.
So what’s the point of ret? Where is that utility you speak of that is useful? Or that offhealing. It barely matters in raids.
When ret gets some utility that is ret only and worthwhile to actually want a ret paladin for your raid, that’s when their dps matters less, until then ret utility is redundant and offhealing is practically worthless.
So bring on the DPS buffs, priority should be to get 1 of each DPS spec of a class near the top and then the secondary dps specs for other classes.
Quoted for truth.
Still getting invites to mythic + and heroic raid. I’m also seeing ret (not me) top meters in raid.
I def think we need some work… all 3 specs.