WoW morality shouldn't be based on character popularity

look carefully in the lightforged eyes :wink:

and turalyon´s eyes especcialy

I keep going to this one because those other characters’ poor writing is usually acknowledged, hers isn’t, and I don’t understand why. Also, can you name another female WoW character who was sacrificed to give a male WoW character “cool points”?

This thread became completely about Xe’ra because other people started dogpiling on me for “daring” to say she’s poorly written and possibly part of author agenda. How is others dogpiling on me for that my fault? Is it wrong that I challenge people’s claims about that character when I’ve seen evidence otherwise?

Grasping at straws again. I’ already know the eyes of anyone Lightforged we see in that cinematic are Turalyon’s. How deceptive of you :wink:

If Xe’ra controlled Turalyon, why didn’t he show gratitude to Illidan after Xe’ra’s death? Why didn’t the Lightforged Draenei react as Turalyon did or with gratitude (or at all lol)? Why didn’t the glow in the eyes of the Lightforged Draenei change afterwards?

i said influenced, its more like a positive “Drug”/“love” influence, a influence toward the light and to limit their worldview on the path of the light.

You actually claimed it was about all of them, @Zahirwrite, quote;

But your “evidence” only showed Turalyon. And it’s telling that you didn’t answer my refutation questions. Don’t you think maybe there was no “love/drug”? Maybe Turalyon respected a being who is a representative of the higher power he worships, saved his and Alleria’s lives when Draenor exploded and who was his commanding officer for centuries? Maybe that was the source of his regard?

This proves the original point of this thread. When right and wrong are based on popularity with fans and devs, the story turns into an inconsistent mess.

Do you know about the psychology behind love drugs? The reason why it is so hard to get away from it - as well as from toxic relationships - is because the person involved thinks that it is something good, he does not think that something bad has happened to him. so the person is not gladful to “release” him/her.

The light uses this path, I am surprised that I have to explain this concept to you, especially the Christian church used this for themselves.

Bringing my real-world beliefs into this. How Ad Homimen; a sure sign of desperation. I was wondering when this would happen again. Every group in real-life has had members who’ve used this approach at some point, including the group I now strongly suspect you’re part of, @Zahirwrite What matters is the core of the creed, not all its adherent’s actions.

Nothing good? As if there’s “nothing good” in saving their lives and fighting the Burning Legion lol

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Probably because she looks like a windchime instead of an actual person.

But personally I think both you and the new writers are making a fundemantal mistakes with cosmic entities like Xera and the entire cosmic cast of shadowlands.

These aren’t people. They aren’t humans so are you people treating them like humans?
Xera is SUPPOSED to be an extreme, a mortal is supposed to be someone who looks at void curroption as something that might be manageable and trust the person.

A light cosmic being should lose their mind at the transgression. Its their polar opposite, its radioactive to them. These beings are supposed to be one dimentional, tone-deaf, unreasonable and… yes ALIEN to us.

We are supposed to find them unbearable but necessary to fight another greater threat. If you are treating Xera like any other mortal person you are making a big mistake.
Same one that Danuser and his team made when they started treating shadowlands entities like regular people.


Just out of curiosity… I am going to hijack Smallz’s question.

Thad, that doesn’t really answer the question.

The points you listed seem almost like a reaction to the reaction of others. 3 of those 4 reasons you listed are about other people’s opinion. Forget about other people and how they effect you. You almost make it seem like you never knew about or cared about the Light or the Naaru until people bad mouthed Xera - and I doubt that is the case. So I don’t think your fascination is entirely based on how others have reacted.

What is it about Xera that you find fascinating? Other people aside.

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i belong to no group or religion movement :wink: So, sorry to disapoint you^^

Why does a character not looking human matter? If Xe’ra looked like Akroma from MtG, would that make a difference? Do characters matter less to you the less human they look? I think you do characterization a disservice if you assume that a cosmic entity has to be unreasonable.

Where did you get the idea that that is what the writers intended for the mortal perspective? I think I can see what you’re getting at, but I’m not sure.

I’m not disappointed. Non-religious groups, including anti-religious ones, and groups outside those committed to a creed/ideology have used these tactics too :wink:

I don’t condemn you for your religion, or any religion, that’s why I said I don’t belong to any groups.

I just thought that with the catchword love drugs everything is said, just regarding the use of the church of these stimulants.

Looks like you just want to argue for the sake of arguing.
I think i made my points very clear… horses and water and all that.

If I put on my “Thad RP” hat, I would think Thad sees “non religious” or atheism as concepts behind the Devs villain batting Xera, and fans being OK with it.

A sort of anti- deity ethos that godless devs and fans revel in.

/takes off his “Thad RP” hat

He thinks that it is not good to condemn the light and the light mother even less, it is not about feminism (has nothing to do with it), but about religious conviction, because the light clearly also has Christian foundations, as a belief system.


You’re still lying about me and ignoring facts to use Ad Hominem attacks @Cursewords, but at least you were more polite this time. Credit where credit is due.

That wasn’t my intention. I think it best that you and I agree to disagree on this matter. But you can see how others like Cursewords and Zahirwrite ignore my lore criticisms and make Ad Hominem attacks by claiming “It’S OnLy aBoUt YoUr ReAl-LiFe ReLiGiOuS BeLieFs.”

your arguments are simply…strange.

Alleria was imprissoned for the “CRIME” to choose another force as the light(Tolerance? Ha, what a joke)

Arcane Magic is a powerfull magic and force, but its not a beliefsystem, its not a concurrent toward the light in this regard.

Xe’ra thought to transform illidan into an lightforged would save the universe, but illidan know, he would trade his own freedom again, so he chose to denie this offer, and XE’Ra was the one who escalated the entire thing by force illidan to transform, after he denied her request.

illidan defend themselv against xe’ra isn´t a crime…what the hell. and na, Naaru were nerver super uber powerfull beings, i think this “job”, the titanlike beings of the light are called “the keeper”

You still haven’t answered about Xera. That is telling.

Your stated reasons so far amount to: “others dont like her.” You seem hard headed, so I doubt you are a Xera fan based purely on how others reacted to her.

What is it about Xera that you find fascinating? Or do you think you would prove us all right by admitting you see Xera and the Light as a stand in representation of your religion and faith?

Are you really disagreeing with me regarding people judging things by looks and cosmic entities being extremes versions of a concept that would be alien to us?


At least you’re moving away from Ad Hominem and onto actual lore and reasons.

I never said the Light tolerates Void, just that it tolerates arcane so it’s less intolerant than you claim.

There is a belief system around arcane; remember all those groups and beings who worship the Titans?

When did Illidan supposedly trade his freedom for power before? He went AWOL right after voluntarily joining the Legion? Remind me why Illidan and Xe’ra both came to Argus?

Ever heard of “excessive force” in regards to self-defense?

Don’t you think a Prime Naaru should be stronger than a regular Naaru, and we saw some power from A’dal who’s not a Prime Naaru?

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt regarding my suspicion that you’ll just dismiss my answer with more Ad Hominem attacks. The reasons I keep bringing Xe’ra up are;

  • I think she’s poorly written.
  • I think there’s more story potential with her that was wasted.
  • I think the direction the story seems to be going contradicts what’s been shown of the character.

It is an interesting point.

I am a HUUUUGE Adal fan. Ever since BC.

Maybe it is because he was always nice, he saved the Blood Elves, and when he talked, it was in musical sounds. And later he helps Bridenbrad go to the Light. Adal just seems like a cool dude. I would be a smidge sad if he is villain batted or other wise harmed.

Despite being a Windchime.

Xera just had a bad attitude, and was grating. Watching her get blown up was quite satisfying.

So I don’t even think it was about being a windchime. Xera was just unpleasant.

And then we have Xalatath - she was just a dagger in Legion and people were calling her “the knaifu”. She was given a form in BfA, but even as just a sassy dagger, she had fans.