WoW morality shouldn't be based on character popularity

I don’t feel that that was quite enough for me, she came as really flat. I did successfully predict that he would end up killing her (I dunno if I can prove it though, the post would have been back during the first couple patches of Legion and am NOT digging through every post I’ve made since then, if the archives even go back that far), not in self-defense but rather as an act of his selfish vainglory- he needs more power to defeat a strong enemy and turns on his gushing fangirl and sucks her dry of energy.


Illidan edging too hard, even if justified, and killing the leader of an army trying to destroy the Legion—his sole purpose, as he had just stated plainly—is kinda dumb. Catching Turalyon’s sword while crumpled on the floor just undercut how much of an uberhero Turalyon was supposed to be (even before his Army of the Light escapades). The whole scene kinda made The Light look like chumps for sure.

But it did about-face the CHOSEN ONE OF LIGHT AND EDGE story everyone was vomiting over and establish a point for Velen to stop blindly cheerleading for the Light. Mixed bag.


Blizz were too busy fanboying/fangirling over Edgydan to actually focus on those parts of the story. That’s my main complaint about Legion (I only have a few gripes with that expansion, including Vol’jin going out like a chump).

Velen was already not blindly cheerleading over the Light before that cringe cinematic - there was his crisis of faith when we see his Legion-corrupted son Rakeesh. Velen says he got a vision of Rakeesh’s fate millennia ago, suppressed the memory, and he actually turned on us to protect Rakeesh during the fight. While cradling his son’s body he had said crisis of faith and planned to go on the offensive.

This is an incredibly silly defense of what was effectively wrongful imprisonment which her hubby stood by for, effectively abandoning her.

The fact that they still writer her with some school girl crush-grade relationship is honestly embarassing with that event in their life

that cringe cinematic

You only hate it because of projection issues


While I won’t defend everything about how their relationship was written, this is the same hubby who spoke in her defense every time.

The same can be said for why you like it… except I’ve actually given numerous reasons regarding the lore and quality - and I use the word “quality” very loosely - of writing for why I dislike it.

thousand years of War.

Xe’ra was never meant to be on “our side”, it was allways only a tool to fullfill the light wishs, and to shwo us that the light can be wrong and tyrannical aswell

To clarify; citation needed on Alleria’s imprisonment supposedly lasting “decades or centuries”. Several centuries had already passed beforehand.

Did you forget both our PCs and Xe’ra were on the “end the threat of the Legion” and “rescue Illidan’s soul” side?

What tyranny? Working with PCs regardless of race and walks of life? Making rules on… GASP, a ship she built and owns? Having mages in the Army of the Light? Not subjecting the Army of the Light to arbitrary rules? Allowing subordinates to talk back and challenge her decisions? That is your so-called tyranny? Sounds more noble and kind than I thought tyranny was supposed to be.

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Are you talking about Lordaeron? Where she tried to kill an invading army with Blight? Like the Three Sisters thing with the Dark Rangers was explicitly an evil thing to do (and I guess not doing it was supposed to hint at Sylvanas not being irredeemable yet), but Lordaeron wasn’t some specific thing against Alleria.

Also, Forsaken Blight and Scourge Blight are vastly different things.


I don’t she expected Alleria, the Void Elves show up after the Alliance has breached the walls. Even Lorthemar says : “Void Elves! Hiss!”

Sylvanas was getting ready to blow up the invading Alliance, not specifically her sister. As you said, if she wanted to kill Alleria, she had her chance, and did not.

But then in Lordaeron, Alleria says she should have killed Sylvanas - so she crosses the line of aggression towards Sylvanas first. (As well as invading her home)


Sylvanas was justified in that regard. This was her home, her seat of power, she was within her right to use her own tactics, it’s her kingdom.

It’s like walking into KulTiras and asking them not to use the sea.


I dont actually think we have seen the last of Xe’ra tbh. She was/is a cosmic being, when she was eye lazered she just got sent back to the Light to reform.

Likely, she is busy lurking in alt Draenor as “the Light Mother” as plan B for ‘operation spread the Light’—there is only one copy of each planar being, after all.

That´s not part of the light tyranny, but neitehr a problem with the void tyranny aswell, both forces use every race and don´t pick only certain races.

built? We don´t know for sure how the ships of the naaru are build, she owns this ship, this is right.

and? This was and is allways only part of the human beliefe system that mages are kind of the child of devils, that was never be a part of the Draenei - Naaru-Beliefe-system

wrong, she clearly influenced all of them, after she got killed many seems like they would awakane the first time in…Decades, the influence and kinda “Control” she used was more suptile.

tell me the one time she allowed to challenge her decision, the only reason she didn´t bannish turalyon after the alleria - issue was that she still need turalyon.

or have you forgotten the ultimatum for alleria to search out for the locus walker and other of his kind to learn the truth about the void?

“As time flowed differently within the Twisting Nether, the 20 years that had passed on Azeroth translated into more than 500 years for Alleria.”

after this event, she traveled to the emerald star together with turalyon. And after this event and a short amount of time (no time at all because in the void exist no time, as the locuswalker told us, all events happened at the same time or in no time there), she entered xe’ras ship to help her husband against the legion assasin. And after this accident, she was imprissoned by xe’ra, means …round about 500-400 years in prison, for the crime of knowledge and to gain a vision of the void.

It would be sort of amusing if they created a causal loop wherein Xe’ra had the Lightbound of Alt Draenor build her fleet of ships and then send them back into the prime reality at the point in time where she needed them for rescuing the Draenei.

Likely back with the villain bat in full effect :roll_eyes:

We didn’t get any hint of her return until the Mag’har recruitment scenario. Alt Draenor was in the past. If what you said was true, Yrel’s group wouldn’t have Xe’ra to lead them after Illidan jobbed her, as the Mag’har recruitment scenario took place a year after Legion.

The evacuation from Argus took place thousands of years before the Shadowlands. The Mag’har/Draenei conflict on alt-Draenor took place less than 30 years before Shadowlands. It’s pretty telling how desperate Blizzard was for story that they literally used time-travel to re-write the lore and get old/new characters.

Btw, what would be funny about a causal loop wherein Xe’ra had the Lightbound of Alt Draenor build her fleet of ships and then send them back into the prime reality at the point in time where she needed them for rescuing the Draenei?

Well at least they aren’t racist.

It was the naaru who gave those crystal ships to the Draenei. Originally it was one ship, the Genedar. The Genedar split into two ships, the Xenedar and the Exodar. The Draenei on the Exodar would look to start a new life as refugees, the ones on the Xenedar would go on the offensive and become a grand army.

Having mages who use arcane magic which is a whole different cosmic force with its own beings and goals undermines the claims of intolerance, don’t you think?

Citation needed. I’ve heard this headcanon before, but have yet to get proof of it.

Have you forgotten Lothraxion? Both Turalyon and Lothraxion challenged her position on Alleria, and got her to compromise. It’s amazing how many fans invent headcanon to demonize that naaru.

Citation needed about banishment; she never indicated she’d move against Turalyon or Lothraxion for challenging her. The fact that her ultimatum didn’t materialize just proves my point further.

Can you provide a source for this quote? Just putting quotation marks around something doesn’t make it reliable.

And again, how soon after Alleria’s imprisonment did she break out? We don’t know, so even if you were right about the first 500 years, you can’t assume she spent the remaining 500 years locked up; you’re really grasping at straws here. Anything to make Xe’ra look like a monster, eh lol

Funny might not be the right word. More… amusingly ironic. It has always been a bit odd that Draenei architecture matched the Naaru dimensional ships, so it amuse me if it turned out the reason they did is because the Lightbound Draenei built them to ensure the timeline that leads to them even existing.

While I don’t think that’s what Blizzard intended, I can see what you’re getting at.

Also, I don’t think Xe’ra went to the Lightlands. What was left of her was stuck in the Netherlight Crucible, remember?

Hey Thadeus can you explain why you are so fascinated with Xera?

A few reasons, @Smallioz:

  • Because I can’t understand why so many people demonize her.
  • Because I think that character had more potential than “edgelord punching bag” and “plot device to prop up Illidan”.
  • Because I can’t understand why other people refuse to see the above point or how poorly written she was.
  • Because I can’t understand why people complain about WoW’s treatment of female characters, but can’t/won’t see how that also applies to her.

I hope you see where I’m coming from now?

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What was left of her body did, yes. Her spirit would of gone back to the Light the same as every other type of planar being. They are applying the same laws for every planar being; same thing happened when we killed the Old Gods, they went back to the Void.

It actually helps explain why everyone in the AOtL was so blasé for the most part; they knew dying outside of the Light was more a temporary setback for a Naaru than an actual end.

Lots of characters are poorly written.
As much as Ren and I don’t see eye to eye regarding Sylvanas even her more staunchest defense of her doesn’t measure to your dogged and unrelenting defence for Xera.

In this thread by the second post you bring her up again and this thread has become completely about Xera.

We have a hundred badly written characters. Why keep going to this one?