WoW lull give-away

He also thinks Jonhy Awesome is a damsel in need of rescuing.

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Such a great zone imo!

ugly and sexy at the same time

Negative sir lol

Winner #1

Winner #2

Winner #3

Add my Btag and we’ll meet up and give you your gifts :slight_smile: Congratz you 3!


Grats winners!



Laerine with her new Steamscale Incerator!


Congrats winners!


Ok this is a tough call, but a few things come to mind, all from vanilla days.

I was a brand new player on my very first toon in December, 2004. A night elf hunter of course! I was fishing in Darkshore because my cat needed to eat, (Remember those days? Hunter pets had “preferred foods” and you had to feed them to keep them happy or they didn’t do their best dps!) and another NE hunter came along and we started chatting about what we’d figured out/learned so far and tips about playing hunter. We became friends and formed a guild and added more friends. I still play games with this friend to this day - we’ve all (us + both our spouses now, too) played several games together over the years to keep in touch. Just in time for Dragonflight we all decided to come back together and have been back in WoW where it all began ever since. :slight_smile:

At some point in vanilla I switched classes because it felt like there were too many hunters. An in-game friend from another, more serious “progression” guild was helping our guild learn how to do more “serious” dungeons. He took us to BRD. There was a part where we jumped down? But back then, hunter pets could draw aggro if you didn’t dismiss them when you took a shortcut. Of course, this was the first time we had been in BRD and we didn’t know that, so shortly after we all jumped down, my guildmate NE hunter friend’s pet ran down all the way around the long way to get to him, and aggro’d what felt like the entire dungeon along the way, completely wiping us all. We of course thought it was absolutely hilarious and were laughing so hard we were crying when we figured out what happened, but the person who was teaching us how to BRD was NOT amused. I remember them being so mad about how we weren’t taking it seriously, lol. I think we were working on attunement for Molten Core in there?

Gosh, and then somehow (even though we messed up in BRD), our little guild was invited to prog Molten Core with them, and the rush of being in this huge 40 man raid for the first time was awesome. Progression went at a glacier’s pace, and every pull was carefully calculated. I just remember how much work it seemed to be for the raid leader to coordinate all of the paladin buffs and who got loot. Someone got a purple drop on trash - wrists maybe? - before the first boss, and there was drama, lol. I was just happy to experience it.

And speaking of large scale events and activities, I remember being in at least one epic, large scale battleground - Alterac Valley - that went on for 6-8 hours. This was probably sometime in 2005 or early 2006? People would log out to go to sleep on a Friday night and join into the same match when they logged back in a few hours later on Saturday morning, lol. It was crazy! It felt so huge, and there were SO MANY PEOPLE working together. It felt truly epic to be part of this huge team with a common goal against the other huge team. I made a lot of in-game friends in chat. I liked the camaraderie.

While there are some advantages to servers being cross-realm these days, I sure do miss the server community we had back then, which usually stemmed from conversations in general/trade chat. You always saw the same names in town and recognized the same people in chat and it felt like a community of people who knew each other. People had a reputation - good or bad - and it meant something. I liked that community feel and saying hello to familiar people I’d see talking in chat when I logged in, and being greeted by them. No one really chats on my server it feels like. :frowning:

Anyway, enough rambling for one post.

And thank you, btw, for doing this. I’ve loved reading everyone else’s comments and memories here. And it’s so sweet of you to do a giveaway! :purple_heart: Congratulations to all of the winners!!