WoW Killing My Internet

Every since the latest patch today, WoW kills my internet within 2-10 minutes of play.

I can surf the internet, watch/stream videos, download and play other games. As soon as try to play WoW for a few minutes, it kills my internet.


what do you mean by kills ?

I am having the same issue. ONLY WoW. It would lag me out, and sometimes “catch me up” and my MS shoots to several hundred or thousand.

Other times, I just get green latency and everything remains unresponsive. I have waited 3 minutes and then I force close WoW.

It has only been this patch. I am not sure how or where to even begin. Killer in PvP, but it mostly happens out in the world, and I haven’t even been to the Emerald Dream zone.

How do I trouble shoot this? my Internet is fine when I test it on speedtest, and I can stream movies and YouTube just fine, but not with WoW.

Where do I begin?

My internet dies and I have to restart my computer in order for it to work again.

There was an update I downloaded, I think it was 500 mb. Anyways the same thing happened while I was downloading that patch but it’s been fine since. So maybe the patch did something.

Does it afect anything else connected to the internet? or just your computer?


I’m fairly certain it’s only my computer. Maybe it’s the network card that was having issues. It seems to be better after I downloaded that update. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

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