The trailer for that exact Hearthstone expansion features two human witch hunters who surprise-surprise transform into worgen at the very end. Why is being a badass werewolf witch hunter a downgrade?
Incidentally, I have problems with Baine for this exact reason.
Practically EVERYTHING Baine has ever done since Cata has been in aid of the Alliance. His best friend is Anduin. He’s pals with Jaina. The only tauren character he’s ever had an actual relationship with is Mayla, and last time we saw Mayla she was chilling in Stormwind for no reason during BfA.
I suppose this is what we get when we spend two whole expansions with the “main” villain being the leader of the Horde. The Alliance become the good guys by default, and the good Hordes buddy up with them.
Horde leaders are either repeatedly villain-batted (Garrosh/Gallywix/Sylvanas/Nazgrim) or pointlessly slaughtered (Vol’jin/Cairne/Rastakhan/etc) while Alliance leaders are continually neutered and declawed (Genn/Tyrande/Jaina/Turalyon) in order to ensure they keep the moral high ground in every situation.