WoW keeps crashing my PC

Recently I have been starting to have issues with the game abruptly crashing.

No error. No nothing. PC just dies. Power back on and resume business as usual. It has happened before. I log back in and continue playing. In the past it might happen rarely here and there but then after login back in it’s usually fine.

Recently though, it is back to back. Log back in dies. Then again. And again. I have opened the Blizzard app, scanned and repaired. I have uninstalled retail WoW and installed it again. Afterwards, I log in my characters don’t show up in the selection screen. Log out come back. They’re there. Log into game. PC shuts down.

What is going on??

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I would start by checking your temps while you’re playing and see if they are too high. If that seems normal then it is probably your power supply failing.

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It’s only during WoW and its just recently

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that doesn’t really change anything, presuming i read that correctly and you mean your pc is cutting completely off while you’re playing, there’s a short list of things that can do that and it’s your power supply almost every time, but it’s easy to rule out overheating first

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so my pc can run under load with anything and everything else just all of a sudden not wow?

it is an old power supply though…

wow tends to use a lot of both your cpu and gpu, many other things mostly use one or the other. you should be able to reproduce the crash with a stress test that is using both things at the same time.

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What are the system specs? Cpu, ram, graphics etc is it a laptop or tower, prebuilt or one you built yourself? How old is the system? How long since you cleaned inside your system? Dust build up can kill a pc

Actually yes. Unlike most games where the load on the GPU and the CPU are fairly constant wow has a lot of spikes. And a borderline power supply may not be able to handle the spikes and load

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I appreciate the replies. What people aren’t reading though is it JUST started happening. Did WoW get an update and some files are funky or something?

System is
am5. ryzen 5 7000x
radeon rx 6700xt
32gb 6000mhz
1tb m.2 SSD 50% still free

PC turning off without a blue screen or anything is generally an issue with the PSU.


and only wow is causing it? and just this past week?

Yeah. If your power supply finally hit the end of its life, it could very well be fine one day and dying the next.

What power supply do you have, and how old?

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Your power supply has degraded over time (they all do, some take longer than others), and is hitting OCP, which triggers an immediate shut off.

Overcurrent Protection.

The components in one of the voltage rails are failing, which makes the overcurrent protection excessively sensitive and trigger for high-but-normal current levels on that rail. It’s a typical senescent failure mode for power electronics.

hmmmm power supply huh… lame.

It’s Corsair HX1000 modular. Around 8 years old… maybe 9

Could be time for a new one?

That’s pretty old for a PS, or almost any form of power electronics.

Its warrantied for 10 years

Yeah, you’re right. I just ordered a new one. Get it in a few days. Hopefully that is the issue. That seems to be the consensus

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