Dark souls is an action RPG, and has pretty much created the genre of “souls like.”
And a JRPG to boot.
Considering you started arguing since I said there’s stylistic differences, I would take that as you did. But say it forward then, do they or do they not?. Don’t say it’s irrelevant, I mean I agree (as I already pointed out) but make your argument or otherwise I’ll write you down as a troll.
Sure, wrpgs (esp older ones) have this, but not as a main formula of wrpgs, and there’s other differences to note (wrpgs like choice way more than jrpgs for example). I also pointed out as we’re warming up between our respective markets (and have for some time) we’ll start seeing similarities between our games, but still there’s inspirational differences.
I agree with you
Uh, you’re the one that started arguing. Styles were never mentioned until you wanted to claim JRPGs weren’t RPGs from Japan, which is nonsense. I never cared about stylistic differences because it’s a moot point since everyone uses styles from everyone else now. Once again, by your own logic, FF7 remake isn’t classified as a JRPG, based on your own set of nonsensical “style” points.
Oh, so old games are fine, just not new ones. Lol wut?
Are you even going to explain what a JRPG is or just continue to type absolutely nothing at all?
So another wall of text to tell people you really don’t like anymore.
I came in saying they have different styles, yes, and to which you replied and continue replying. So settle it then, say it straight do they have a difference or not? Either I was wrong in assuming your position, or you are trolling. You not caring is irrelevant. I don’t care either, but it’s dishonest to say they don’t have their own concepts or styles.
I would say the game remade to cater more to a Western audience took inspirations from wrpgs to sell, yes. I would say this is a good example of how games understand different styles from one another to evolve and proof that jrpgs and wrpgs exist.
No? And Baldur’s Gate does have tons of audio dialogue. I only played the third one, but looked up 2nd one and it definitely does, at least way more than typical jrpgs. So your example isn’t even good despite you having a point
Scroll up. Your reply was they’re irrelevant (to which I agree I might add), not that they exist. Clearly you’re ignoring my points.
I just want to know when we’re finally going to be rid of people coming to the WoW forums and ranting about other games.
literally what ive been talking about. there is zero new player stuff
Ok, so what style? You keep saying this without providing, well, anything. So far I’m the only one that has made a clear claim.
Also, stop saying “troll,” it makes you look pathetic. If you can’t make an argument, bow out, don’t make yourself look dumb.
Ok? I mean I clearly have already said that.
How is it not a good example? Do JRPGs not have audio now or something? Still waiting on what you define as a JRPG.
You haven’t made any points.
Which is? I asked you, clearly, to say whether there are different or not for 2 posts straight and you still haven’t given me an answer. Now you’re just being pedantic. Literally yes/no question and you can’t even do that. So clearly you’re trolling and will be ignored after this post.
You cannot be this oblivious lol.
JRPGs prefer texts over voiced over dialogue (already stated this). They prefer more over the top armor/clothing/atmosphere, which is why wrpgs look more conservative and jrpgs look more brazen, bizarre, skimpy. wrpgs prefer choice, jrpgs prefer one coherent style. Something can probably be said about extent of gameplay, since wrpgs have had a strong PC presence, while jrpgs preferred to stay on consoles. Not I never once here made strict claims, rather prefer, like etc. This doesn’t mean they can’t be unique or borrow from each other, but designing a game of a certain way will put them in a certain genre, not just their national origin (in other words, it’s totally possible for a EU made game to be a jrpg styled game). That’s how genres work.
I’ve said several of these points before. I’ve added some stuff.
Here’s extra resources discussing them. You’re free to write to the channel or journalists to tell them they’re wrong, it’s only the national origin that matters.
I literally said JRPGs are RPGs made in Japan lol.
Ah yes, the ol’, “I have no argument and can’t make a clear point so I’m just going to call you a troll and run!” What a joke.
Oof, don’t ever play the older Elder Scrolls games then.
Neat, but I never argued against any of this…
Are you just having a hard time reading or something? You are trying to argue against things I never even claimed. I literally made one statement which you can’t even refute lol.
Your sources don’t even refute what I said lol.
Starting players off with BFA is NOT a good start story wise when:
They cut out the context on why BFA is going on. No Tedrassil burning, No battle for Undercity. They just yeet you into saving Talanji (Horde) or going to see Jaina’s mom.
A new player might now some key characters from lore due to promos (ex: Arthas / Lich King) but the cast you got for BFA? Who df are these guys? Why are we in a war? Where the heck am I???
once you hit lv 50 all plot for BFA gets thrown in the bin as the game yeets you into Shadowlands. So now you’re lost and now skipped an xpack and more confused. Coming from FF14 or any other MMO with stories that arch over expansions, WoW feels like it was written by monkeys.
OK. So you’ve got nothing. That’s what I thought. Thanks for playing. I at least have the courage to admit my info is anecdotal. I’ll be ignoring you now as I have better things to do.
More than you’ve got, that’s for sure. Given you’re looking at said posts and going “Didn’t happen! Only my experience matters!”
Clearly not, only bad faith posting.
FFXIV has a higher skill floor and a lower skill ceiling. It has a higher skill floor because you must complete all or most dungeons in order to progress with the MSQ. There is also solo duty and job quests you have to do. That forces players to learn their class.
The crafting in WoW is a joke but in FFXIV I know people who once the complete the MSQ just craft and sell stuff.
FFXIV doesn’t allow you to post 50000 items on the Market board. Each retainers can sell 20 items and you can have 9 max I think. There is no need for TSM or AH camping which WoW really needs to address.
Weird people on these forums that have to make sure everyone knows they are ignoring someone instead of, you know, just ignoring them lol.
I was just trying to save him some keystrokes. I’m very considerate that way.
Leveling up in old zones is pretty simple to get into.
Endgame / current expansion is very complicated. If you you want to know how the current content works, you need to be reading wowhead like it’s your job. Unfortunate.
Guess you didn’t have much to do after all.