WoW is NOT Dead. FFXIV is just JELLY

Complete fallacy.
That is NOT true by any stretch.

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Gotta keep making these reassurance threads. Make enough of them and you might actually start to believe wow is fine right now.


Yeah, except their patches are like every 3 months. So there’s maybe a slow month?

Sometimes it feels like WoW players are more obsessed with FFXIV than FFXIV’s players are.


Last I heard, 4 hours of clicking through speech bubbles didn’t make for engaging content :stuck_out_tongue:

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Where’s my money then? I’m suppose to be getting paid for this?

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I will just say I don’t see much on the FF forums about warcraft. Amazing how much FF gets talked about over here.


at least they know they are getting content patches. 9.1 will come… one day…


Can you blame them? Especially when FFXIV gives players what wow doesn’t.


I can’t stand the anime aesthetics…but the fact they are introducing an entire island where you can let your pets roam free and plant/decorate your farm etc…that’s a HUGE appeal to me.

As a casual player who only likes to occasionally touch endgame HC content like mythic/raiding, WoW is in desperate need IMO of more casual things to do with permanent systems that transcend expansions like that FFXIV island system.

That system sounds so fun actually, I may end up buying the game/expac just to try it out…people here keep discounting just how many of us casual folks exist here in WoW who want these types of systems…

Not all of us want to focus on mythic/raiding. Some of us are here for the journey AND a casual slower experience. It’s only natural that if the game refuses to adopt us into the games model…we’ll venture elsewhere.

That’s never the right decision when you’re already faced with a declining concurrent userbase YoY.

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I just started playing FF XIV, been a nice change from 9.05 which clearly is never going to end. Not sure if it’ll stay forever but if 9.1 has the same issue I don’t blame people for switching games. Hopefully patch 9.1 will be out by Christmas, we can only hope.

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I was just thinking how not enough FFXIV threads have been moved here. Also, Final Fantasy 11 is a better MMO. Don’t @ me.

You forgot the part that covid shots are metal tracking chips :rofl:

How about, “WoW is NOT dead. Your parents just took it to a country farm where it can play and hunt all it wants.”

It really didn’t and WoW admittedly has a retail problem. I don’t like anime art style as much as western, I just do not. I’m an old military vet and I just don’t like power points. They will make you sleep.

I do not think their paid but from what I have seen of the FFXIV community they kind of have a belief that any criticism about the game, even if it is legit, is false and the person who said it should be shunned.

Now I will not call them a cult but … lets just say a lot of XXIV servers are an echo chamber about how great the game is.

Maybe a little bit.

Well it makes sense considering FFXIV is owned by Disney.
