I don’t NEED a FC but mine is super nice and happy to help people out. Plus people in general are nicer. I’m hoping delves go well as that’s how I level…
Tbh I saw more and weirder stuff in Silvermoon.
Pets are like this, too. You’ve got a lot of easy collecting and leveling and upgrading, but you’ve also got a lot of advanced content that can be ridiculously complicated and difficult. I’ve got lists upon lists on game goals for just collecting transmog and pets. I never run out of something to do, and no matter when I login or what other players are doing then, I can work on something I’m interested in. There is an upper limit on gear power in any given xpac, and I can’t help but notice that long after the raiders and Mythic+ players are quitting due to the “content drought,” I’m still enjoying the game.
This is the best use for MMOs for a lot of people, I find!
I suggest that at this point in gaming history the genre should just be changed to “OG” with the simple description of Online Game. Think that covers it.
I think there’s plenty of solo content already. DF is super flexible in that area.
That sounds like a YOU problem because Area-52 is full of guilds that would most likely help you with content.
You have soloization, that’s WHY RETAIL EXISTS, it offers a viable solo option, via LFR and LFD/LFG. Learn to play your own class the best you can, You will find some groups willing to help you run dungeons eventually but the problems described are what everyone runs into, people run dungeons to get them done and don’t much care about the other people. That’s why it has become a solo game, the lack of concern for others. You can’t have one thing and then expect the other.
Didn’t happen to FFXIV
Made me realize delves would be great for my GF and I.
I’ve been playing this game for a lot of years at varying levels of engagement, ranging from solo play to PUGing dungeons to raiding with a guild. I’ve also played a lot of other MMOs, from EVE Online to FFXIV. I actually loved EVE and played it at a very high level, but one of the things that drove me crazy about it was that it was extremely challenging to find consistent solo content. If I wasn’t running military fleet reconnaissance in sov-null for my coalition, and I just wanted to login for a little while and play after work, more often than not it was basically impossible to find satisfying content. So, I’d login to WoW instead, and maybe queue for a dungeon or LFR or play pet battles or farm transmog or mounts, etc. Solo content has kept me subscribed to the game during those periods when raiding wasn’t practical for my schedule or I just wasn’t interested in it for various reasons.
All of this is to say, I don’t want solo content because the other kids are mean to me. Frankly I’m 43 years old and work as a first responder, so if the children in a dungeon run their mouths at me I just laugh at them and continue on about my game. I want solo content because that’s the content that fits my needs and that I enjoy doing. I understand that Blizzard focuses the end game content on group activities and provides the best rewards for the greatest amount of cooperative skill, and that is as it should be. I’ve played that sort of content in the past and might do so again. However, I also appreciate that during seasons of my life when raiding really isn’t on the menu, Blizzard still provides me with rewarding solo activities to enjoy not as a cheap substitute for what I “should” be doing but for their own sake.
Bit of a stretch, but that’s not necessarily false, either.
To which this should always be the answer to people who say “MMOs shouldn’t have any solo content.”
god, SAME
Biiiig agree.
As primarily an RPer, OP is literally correct.
Nah, disagree.
As I’ve stated elsewhere, I’m a recent returnee, long time player, played in every expansion except MoP, so I can safely say I’ve watched many elements of this game evolve along with the community and the culture around it, and M+ in particular has brought us (in ALL dungeon difficulties) to a tipping point of “play fast or don’t queue.” It’s actually insane. I did some timewalking this past week, and literally, no joke, my base tank rotation’s AOE abilities didn’t cool down fast enough to go at the whip-cracking, DPS-pulling-for-me pace that the group demanded. Like I’m on my blood DK trying to hold on to a charge of blood boil at all times for emergency agro grabbing, only NEEDING that charge just to keep up! And I was the TANK! The pace should be MINE to set!
Nah, it’s time for follower dungeons and delves. Dungeons and just group PVE in general mean something totally different from one entire swath of players to another.
I can safely say I will never tank for live players that I don’t know, ever again, once follower dungeons and delves happen. I may queue those tank characters as their DPS specs to see the segmented megadungeons when they go into heroic, but actually work at that “don’trespectthecontentjustgogogo” pace? Nope. “Gogogo” is not a new concept, but it’s on steroids now!
And I’m sure I am not alone among the “career tanks” and healers out there that will reclaim their peace and sanity with follower dungeons. Hell I can’t even imagine HEALING in the current dungeon running mess! Healing follower dungeons is something I’m really looking forward to! This little exodus of “pressure roles” will be a tiny change if any to queues and people waiting to be declined, but it’s a change I will gladly contribute to.
Y’all can have your speed runs. I’m out. And Blizzard is opening the door and laying down the red carpet!
All I need to hear now is “follower dungeons will be the new norm going forward, for normal mode of all future dungeons that have a normal mode,” and I’m in bliss.
MMORPG means a game has a persistent world on online servers which accommodates many players at the same time. “MMO” does not mean that the game is intended for group content, although group content is part of the game via dungeons, raids, PvP, some world and group quests.
The big problem in vanilla was that a lot of quests required groups, which stalled progression.
Depends on the content. Everyone should have a chance at getting purples. Not all purples are equal. Mythic raids should have the best gear because they require the most effort, time, and skill. Nobody is saying that people who want to do solo content should get the same ilvl gear as in mythic raids.