WoW is heading to a heavy RPG direction, not tryhards, numbers and contests

it totally depends on why people play the game though…it will totally vary based on the player.

however people often pick whatever is most powerful so…

So… you’re fine that they’re taking the MM out of MMORPG?

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They absolutely will not lol. It’s not like players in Classic picked cool looking greens over raid gear because they looked better thematically. I’d venture to say that you’d still be wearing the highest ILVL gear instead of what you have that gear mogged to if transmog weren’t a thing.


Funny how we didn’t watch the same interview, he memed about covenants. He knows already the problems, and know that he will have to fix them if he wants to fix the problem for a lot of people. It’s a war already lost like their attempt to remove flying in Draenor.

Also Ralph thread, enjoy your daily dose of toxicity.


Actually they work pretty well. Some of the most fun games I have played have been those that treat the MMo as a single player game that has options of group play if you so choose. Nothing really pushing it, grouping was done solely for convenience or fun. Anything you could do in a group you could do solo. Although doing so in a group was more challenging and offered a higher chance at rewards. While solo play offered the same rewards the chance was much much lower.

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So he agrees that restrictions need to go ??

Metaslaves will never believe they have a choice as they will always follow that min maxers tell them, hence the word slave, no independence or choice

For the rest of us, we have many choices.

That is completely disingenuous and you know it.

Gear upgrades are part of the intended design, you are supposed to upgrade to a better piece.

Covenants on the other hand are designed to be a hard meaningful choice, the obsession over performance IS YOUR PROBLEM.

You know the tryhards don’t even know who you are right? They don’t secretly plan to bust up your RP experiences. They don’t mind if you choose your covenant based on transmogs. Your hatred is very one sided and somewhat creepy.


There’s nothing hard about picking the best option.

And there’s nothing meaningful about covenants other than the impact they have on dps numbers.

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Just smile and wave children, we’re witnessing mental illness


How is that disingenuous? And I could say the same thing about your obsession over looks. Appearance isn’t everything. Etc. Etc. Bla bla bla.

It isn’t disingenuous at all. The reason you upgrade gear is BECAUSE of an interest in improving performance. Without that interest in improving your performance, there is no reason to upgrade gear. Hence the comparison.

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He agrees theres a problem with covenants, he just wants people to test them out on the beta first. If people are still agaisn’t those after being tested in beta I foresee some changes for sure to make them swappable.


Hopefully it’s the Pro covenant crowd that makes it into beta then.

Hopefully not.


Well if you go that way, actually people that push content often gets priority. Like killing the last boss on Mythic normally gets you in.
So prepare for change.
(Even if more people than those pushing content care about being able to swap covenants atleast as far as powers go, this isn’t me trying to say that only those people care just that they are more of those that agree on changing them)

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But the thing is, how do you define powerful?

  • Powerful that top AoE DPS?
  • Powerful that top Single Target DPS?
  • Powerful that is hard to kill on PvP?
  • Powerful that is so cunning with so many crowd control?
  • Powerful that you have the highest DPS but you are delicate that you could die easily when targetted/focused?

Looks like each of us would be powerful on some aspects but we need each other to survive. Looks like Shadowlands is more of a group effort to beat difficult content. It’s like each toon wont have everything. We need each other’s company to survive. We will see.

Sadly meta slaves cannot accept the idea that they shouldnt be able to be optimal at everything and for each specific boss and dungeon, that is an incomprehensible thought to them.

In an rpg you are not supposed to be optimal for every encounter, after all you have a party with other people who are supposed to also have their build and combined it always works when Blizzard balances all specs to be able to do mythic 15s and mythic raids.

Just like in classic. I like this

I was skeptical about Ralph’s devLARPing but, honestly, this point drives home why they probably need to try something new. Maybe they have data that indicates two expansions of M+ being the only endgame content that is massively participated in is wearing thin for players. Maybe people are only logging in weekly and staying subbed for silly cosmetics or in-game social events, so “RPG stuff” is getting more attention.

We’ll see what happens eventually. Shadowlands seems cool whichever way it goes.

A combination of all of this supported by theorycrafters, sims and logs with proofs.
Removing locks actually let’s more innovations be used, else people won’t want to make a mistake and will all choose the one that shines the most, most often.

Classic, where people min/max to do timed raid runs and got as much if not more logging done than retail. Funny.