Boggles my mind that people still do this. Don’t they get caught pretty much all the time?
oh of course.
…because there are absolutely no other issues which could cause problems with server connections… right?
blizzard didn’t confirm any ddos.
i’m waiting for facts to be presented.
you don’t seem to have any.
I know its not common sense, but I don’t apperciate smart remarks from forum warriors.
Fair enough. Thanks for answering why you think it’s a DDOS. I thought it was just the tired old game engine because so much lag over last several days.
dunno ive got no proof either but just seems like more than a coincidence being the day it is and this is usually how it feels like the last attacks. oh well, happy new years all, but more than that a new decade I really hope things become better for you.
OK so this is ONE THING that FFXIV is really good for.
Now I can go watch movies in that game instead of sitting through a DDOS.
If you knew how servers work, and how the majority of players are complaining the game is taking 20 minutes to load, open chests, zone in, etc. You would know its a DDOS based on those metrics, but instead you’re here on the forums trying to feel important. I’m just here to offer my insight since I work on servers and maintain them.
Do you need not get enough attention from the other 3,344 posts? Sad.
Isn’t it you assuming seeing as how you aren’t providing any actual, you know, proof?
Theres a rando saying that its him in the forums
yeah its definitely not everyone logging back in after being disconnected… me and other forum posters have said that our work lines when down at the exact same time as the realms did its an ISP issue
Don’t worry, I’ll let Blizzard announce it when they are done investigating. I guess the majority of people on these forums don’t have common knowledge on what a DDOS is, and that wow has been through many of them over the years. Believe what you will.
My beard is lagged…hic! It’s stretched all the way from the men’s room in Ironforge to Stormwind via Deeprun Tram. Careful out there…hic!
It could also be ISP or server issues on blizzard’s side. You jumped to the conclusion of DDOS.
Well I have spectrum too but have not had any problems anywhere else. This just seems like a big coincidence for it to go down like that on this day and like I said it feels just as annoying as most ddos attacks feel, so even though I have no proofs, im gonna go out on a limb and say this is denial of service.
It will be a DDOS attack on multiple ISPs, not just Blizzard.
Server latency and bad connection isn’t ONLY caused by DDOS. As others have said, that’s not proof of a DDOS.
It feels like WoW gets DDOS attacks every other month now.
yeah maybe on the ISP’s end not Blizzard’s lol
Anyways, I’ll leave you forum warriors alone to defend each other. Have fun!
Tech support forums, they just posted not long ago. Seems only a few servers…od