WoW is finally dead!

Bummer, that’s unfortunate news to hear.

To be honest EQ Next Voxel system looked revolutionary and the stuff they showed during it’s development looked amazing.

It’s was huge blow when it got cancelled. I don’t pay attention anymore to this stuff as to not get my hopes up. :disappointed:

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The issue I had with a voxel based mmo was how it would have been abused or just ruined the experience when so many areas were destroyed.

According to what criteria?

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Didn’t people like you say the same thing about New World?

How’s that going?

Oh… Hah! Yeah, not well.

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I hope new world continues to improve

So do I, but that’s not really the point.

The whole ‘WoW is dead! Embrace the new MMO’ is a cycle that has repeated multiple times over the years. We saw it with all of the following:

  • RIFT
  • Wildstar
  • Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • City of Heroes
  • DC Universe Online
  • Lord of the Rings Online
  • Final Fantasy 11
  • Final Fantasy 14
  • New World
  • Guild Wars 2

The list goes on.

And while most of those MMOs are still functioning today in a lesser capacity (RIFT, Final Fantasy 11, Star Wars: The Old Republic for example) and some have healthy player bases and continue to grow (Final Fantasy 14 and Guild Wars 2 come to mind) others have flat out died such as Wildstar, Warhammer Online and City of Heroes. Meaning the game people were sure was going to kill WoW, not only didn’t kill WoW, it died off and is no longer playable on official servers.

So yeah the whole ‘WoW is dead’ thing? It just doesn’t work. It never has, and it never will.

The only thing that can kill WoW is WoW.

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Oh, sorry… I thought you said New World.



They finally drop some gameplay video or something?

If DF flops then its probably not far off.

Plus there’s Microsoft’s influence coming in some time down the track…

Oddly enough, no, we still know next to nothing about the MMO from Riot. The game doesn’t even have a name yet or a website devoted to it.

The truth is Carhagen I’d like to see more high quality mmorpg’s come out. I didn’t like SWTOR it felt too clunky and cheap and terrible of a leveling experience. But I’d love to see something that recreates that sense of wonder for gamers again. There are definitely plenty of games out there that have millions playing and invested in them, but another truly great and immersive epic mmorpg AAA experience would be awesome to experience.

I’m a very very very picky guy so it takes a lot to impress me. So much so that frankly it’s a bit obnoxious, but I want a great highly escapist wild addictive ride. And the community of course is part of that. I tend to think however the way the game is developed helps set the gamer culture that can be a blast to be a part of.

It may never happen again that a game like WoW comes around. But I think in time it will happen that another amazing game comes about like WoW. Whether Blizzard makes it or someone else I guess we’ll find out.

I have one response to this thread


I gotcha covered!


Lol, you keep lying to yourself that your 20 year old game is finally dead and making millions of dollars less than FREE TO PLAY games like league. Fundamentally flawed argument. 1-0 me bucko, enjoy.

Microsoft also bought out Obsidian and funded Outer Worlds telling them to just make a good game first and foremost because they have figured out ‘if we make it (and it’s good) they will come!’

League of Legends isn’t even in the same genre as WoW.

You’re comparing apples to potatoes.

I wouldn’t count on it or put your money on it.

Yeah, sadly the Outer Worlds wasn’t actually that good.

Like, okay, sure it was decent, but it wasn’t better than its competition and it failed in multiple areas.

Hopefully Obsidian learns from the mistakes of Outer Worlds with the sequel.

True this.
Fallen expectations are bleh…

So no expectations anymore, I’ll just wait and see what happens.

City of heroes didn’t die on its own as much as it was suddenly killed by the publisher in the middle of a development cycle for not being quite profitable enough.