WoW is finally dead!

If they have better endgame systems.


WoW is behind a lot of things when it comes to player expression.


FF14 is a complete reversal of WoWs, more storydriven. ARR was a slog when i started in January when the game opened up again. It gets waaay better after ARR, and leveling isn’t slow. the combat is slower due to you actually have to look at queues from the boss, and not stare at your addons. :stuck_out_tongue: Giving you time to react to mechanics.


Eh thats fair to be honest

Mine is fully upgraded, and yes I have the bike, there is a discord if you wanna max out your currency to get the stuff from it, if you don’t have it already.

So in like 2-3 years? That is if they stick with it and launch it. Titan, EQ Next, etc. were all cancelled during development. BUT, I am anxious/curious to see how the LoL mmo will be and likely try it unless it ends up like a Lost Ark style of mmo then no thanks.

I’m picking at it now that I got the bike but eventually I do want everything.

I’m too down on the entire genre to even consider that it might be good to be honest. I hope it’s good, but my gut feeling tells me it will be a disastertasterfy.

Isn’t riot owned by a chinese company? I am expecting it just to be another asian-style credit-card-swiping simulator. Except without all the sex appeal that draws people to those games.

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Remembering when Rift launched.

FF14 glamour system is still restricting, I would love for them to open it a bit more. I’m glad they at least put in more storage finally.

I will say I am mostly anxious because they obviously did a great job with LoL and Riot makes some decent games. But like you said in your 2nd paragraph, I hope they don’t make it like an “asian-style credit-card-swiping simulator”.

Are you the same Bojanglz who ganked people all day as an orc rogue in classic, or is that a coincidence?

Yeah, the glamour system does need more work done to it.

Forgot what their reasoning behind why it was so strict was but I think Yoshi said something about it cluttering up the game’s data iirc which is why they settled for glamour storage.

I got to 38 as a pugilist and got bored. Came back later to try to make a Paladin, got to around level 25 of the class you need to level before Paladin and quit again. Game is too boring for me personally.

All good, least you tried!

I lvled as a lancer/dragoon. boy that was the wrong class for me, I already had carpal tunnel, that class just made it worse. Now i’m a simple Rez ma…I mean RDM

I’m with you there.

Lost Ark was definitely fun until it wasn’t for me. At some point everything you did was just soooo slowed down by either Daily Lockouts or Energy restrictions (for gathering), as well as lucky drops to participate in some of the content.

Doubtful Riot MMO will be anything like it but still hoping it’s closer to an improved WoW style with some of the better story elements from games like FF.

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I don’t play Horde. I only have an alt horde just so I can see the other side of the story (retail only). I also don’t play on Classic because I did Vanilla when it was current. I did make a character to level on it (Alliance) so I could solo ZG. But yeah, not me. Plus on Classic my character is Bojangles and Vanilla it was Bojangle but with moving servers at times in retail, I couldn’t keep it exactly the same.

I actually am done with mmo’s. I play co-op games with limited friends now. People are too crazy and act like jerks nowadays. I don’t want that type controlling my game time.

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While FF14 has really good appearances for collect, that mogging system is so bad. If they adopted WoW’s, they really would have the best customization of any MMO out there. The glamour system just needs some major work.

Have fun with those rootkits.