WoW is a Pay to Win PvP model

I’ve seen BM hunters backpedal and mouse-click their way through high level mythic keys. :wink:

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With both honor gear and conquest gear upgradable in Shadowlands how does this lock them out of moving up in pvp? Or how are you defining “moving up?”

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Honor gear will only be upgradable to LFR level. By the time a casual has a full set of fully upgraded honor gear, their opponents will be in full mythic raid gear.

Meanwhile, to upgrade conquest gear requires reaching rating levels. So only players who are able to get those ratings will be able to upgrade their conquest gear, and players in honor gear will not be accepted into the groups required to do rated PvP.


The person who plays the game more than I do has better gear than I do. That’s how it has been for every instance of wow minus the period of time where we had templates. Someone decked out in Conquest gear is going to curb stomp a fresh 60 just as easily as someone with Mythic raid gear. I highly doubt you’re going to be able to tell the difference between the two of them.

This absolutist scenario doesn’t coincide with actual reality. Yes, you’re going to have RBG teams that will have rating requirements, but you will also continue to have YOLO RBGs. And the rating can come from both RBGs and Arena.

The reality is that no one will get accepted into those groups if they have honor gear, because by the time they get that honor gear fully upgraded to LFR level, serious players will have mythic raid gear. No one will have that honor gear and be accepted into groups of any sort.


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And then I looked at your gear and your honor level. LOL. Why are you lecturing to me about pushing rating in yolo’s with your PvP background?

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You caught me, I stopped playing BFA really early on.

Are you sure you really want to compare PVP backgrounds here? Granted I’m going off of your toon Poronzul. Regardless of how we compare, I believe that my background gives me enough experience to say that the black and white scenario that you are a painting here is not what the actual reality will be.

Your honor level is 14. You have done essentially no PvP in a full 2 expansions. You haven’t even bothered to get a decent weapon, which is the easiest thing to get in the prepatch.

I’m sure you’re a glad on your EU account.

None of that negates what I’m saying. I’ve been playing this game on and off since Vanilla. I have a pretty good understanding of what the pvp scene looks like, and I know enough to say that what you’re claiming is going to happen will not in fact come true.

Only in my dreams, kid.

There are many out there who will not take people who do not have high rated achievements or gear. I do not think it will be as bad as he is making out to be, but there will be people who treat others as he says.

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No it’s not, it’s literally 36% less hp than a mythic raider and no rank3 essences/trinkets that 1 shot you.

Ilvl 100 is unplayable in PvP against mythic raiders.


That’s interesting, do you have the proof of that statement through any report provided by the company?

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Based on what?
There is nothing that can be bought to increase chance to win so… no, it isnt by any logical definition.

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I believe the premise is that “friends” can be bought… and that paying for “friends” has seemingly become quite a lucrative market in WoW these days.

For my own thoughts on the matter, paying for carries has sadly been around since the arena system was introduced in TBC. I’m not sure if it existed in Vanilla. I’d be surprised if it didn’t a little bit, but it wasn’t all that prominent.

Of the folks paying for carries, I’d be curious as to the ratio of folks doing it to get gear compared to the folks doing it for the achievement.

In GW2 I talked to some big carry sellers and they said more people bought carries for gear(legendary armor) than achievements by a LOT.

OMG someone that actually gets it. I hate how Highgear/lowskill players can curbstomp others when they don’t even know their basic rotations and such. Their gear is just such a handicap its stupid.

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You obviously weren’t aware of the 1,000s spent by PvP players buying gear so they could compete in PvP in BFA. Literally 1,000s of dollars to buy BiS gear to do Arena. Especially before the corruption vendor came out BoE gushing items were selling for tons and PvP players were buying tons of Tokens so they could compete.

Well because of the above yes it is now. Subs don’t matter anymore the Web Shop does and business is good as long as Token sales are used to pay for Gear or Carries.

This is an RPG game!! It’s based on gear. That is why we are here but would be good if people weren’t funneled into the Web Shop due to time-gating and RNG.


not sure it is a pvp model but you can easily argue that wow became completely p2w the second is sold gold so everyone can spend endless real money for carries to all the loot they ever wanted

thus the endless advertisements for carries in LFG and chat


The carry cost for a mythic+15 is about a token. The price for a mythic raid carry in current content is a lot higher than that.

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