WoW is a Pay to Win PvP model

PvP is PAY TO WIN simply put. Change my mind.
-This doesnt apply to the top 0.1% of arena players, i.e Gladiators.
-Barrier to entry level arena or even Random BGs requires massive time invested into High level PvE content (Gearing though entry level PvP is not viable/timely). PvPers are thus they are forced to buy carries or waste their time doing something they do not want to do, PvE. WoW tokens sales have been so high that they are continuing to exploit the PvP playerbase. Please stop this, Please stop supporting this degeneracy.


PVP is Player Versus Player

Pay to Win is PTW or sometimes P2W.


Yeah! I agree! Those Cash Shop transmogs provide an unfair advantage in PvP and should be banned! Screw Pay to win!

(This is sarcasm)


Just like a good KMMO is intended to be. WoW is a KMMO now, and why you keep seeing people who should be playing KMMO’s coming here talking about how they “earned” the right to one shot people.

It’s sickening.


Im speaking of WoW tokens that are converted to Gold for carries.

I did not think it was an issue until I recently made another char on a good realm. Now I see all the people spamming trade trying to sell PVE carries. New or returning players must buy these services a lot for there to be so many doing it. It’s almost as bad as the gold sellers spamming trade chat.

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With corruptions gone I think it will be alright moving forward.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

thats kind of where i thought you were going.

the fact is people will always want a shortcut to their goals if it is possible. either blizz offers the token or people do stuff like buy gold from hackers and farmers and steal gametime cards.

tokens allow people with money a regulated way of purchasing gold, they also allow players with more free time on their hands to play wow for free if they want. the full premium experience too, not just the level 20 trial.

the fact that players who have skill offer their services for in game gold is perfectly fine as that is part of the world of any mmo, you want a community that offers services to itself.

the problem atm is that you need gear to win, and with scaling gone, you really really need gear to win, more than BfA.

this will result in some players paying for carries in M+ and Mythic raid to get the highest ilvl.

the carry cost will be about 1 token price.

so yeah, you have a point, thats pay to win.


Enough said, Does ANYONE remember an expansion where youve seen so much SPAM in trade chat for carries. People ARE buying these, why is that? because the GAP in gear is HUGE, this is directly correlated to the fact the people are paying for carries. Its fine if you worked hard and mythic raided for a GOOD gear set, Im not knocking you, however that gear is way to overpowered compared to a casual player. You should be stronger than a casual player if uve worked for ur gear, I AGREE. But, do you honestly need to be SO much ahead of them, cmon. The mythic trinket is literally one shotting undergeared players.


this is double dipping though, a full time player is going to be stronger than a casual by the very nature of being more experienced and having the time needed to grow that skill to a pro level.

on a even playing field the full time players still beat the casuals, we saw plenty of that in korraks. what an even playing field does in wow is eliminate a single group: players who use gear to compensate for lack of skill.


This doesnt make sense, how can you use gear to compensate for lack of skill if people are on the same playing field my guy. All Im saying is Pre-patch should be the period when ppl are on the same playing field. Dont you want to try out another class, I have a fully geared sub rogue and can hop into a BG and one shot ppl. Its fun, but I would also like to TRY a new class. Alot of people are ENJOYING the shet outta BGs before max lvl, because even though some ppl are more geared, they are not overly advantaged.

the problem ive found is that you need gear… you get crap 100 ilvl gear for your 500 conq cap reward if you arent high rated. You need good gear to get high rated. The other option is to raid but if you arent already geared people are a lot less inclined to invite you. Its a catch 22


thats exactly my point, the even playing field only hurts that one group.

in a korraks setting highgear/highskill players still have skill to stand on. lowgear/highskill players are given a chance to use their skill. lowskill/lowgear players start off with the least advantaged, but aren’t as disadvantaged as they are currently on live.

that leaves only the highgear/lowskill group, currently on live they are able to win over the lowgear/highskill group, that is specifically one of the major core problems of wows pvp, the other major core problem is the power growth curve.

even ground aka korraks style scaled ilvl pvp solves both of those issues, and allows the devs to focus on a wow pvp eternal model that doesn’t need constant overhauling and rebalancing every expac.

100 ilevel gear is still good.

The problem with BFA is that the ilevel jumps happened to quickly and too much RNG.

That changes with the new expansion.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

If WoW PVP is pay to win why do I keep seeing the same people at the top of ladders and competing in tournaments?

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Are you guaranteed a win? No.
You may have access to the power, but the win is never 100%.
So no, again.

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People who farm honor gear will be locked into a low ilvl that will permanently lock them out of moving up in PvP. It’s a bad system design.

People will only buy a store mount or transmog once. But if you can convince them that the only viable path to gearing is paid carries financed by tokens, and maybe make the learning curve harder to go with that, they can be convinced to buy many tokens.

Token sales are now the top profit center of the game.


Corruptions on BOEs showed us how crazy prices (More importantly DEMAND) can fetch for items on our AH.
These did not guarantee a win, but they immensely increased a characters value.
Want in a group/team/guild, Correct Corruptions, You were invited.

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FIFY. :wink:

More carries = more wow tokens purchased

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Depends on your class/spec. Ranged are more forgiving to play in BGs.

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