Think of all the people who puke playing Spin to win. Lol Bladestorm pukestorms here we come!
Zoom your camera into FP view…now try to raid or PvP like that for an hour.
Get back to me on how many times you died to easily avoidable things behind you and why you now realize how bad wow VR would be.
After all the vomiting from the rapid motion sickness too of course lol
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This is currently how you can play WoW in VR.
Hope so! Would be amazing <3
And? One could save for it? Very novel concept these days. An example would be doing Uber eats for the extra money.
Not me having a literal panic attack questing in Vashj’ir with VR.
So would this mean, if I looked at my hands, I’d have oversized man-hands?
Would my surroundings occasionally move up and down with my Nelf bounce?
And dayum: if I did one of my glides off the Sword of Sargeras … what a 7-minute view!
Zoom in.
Ok now keep zooming in.
A little bit further.
No… even further.
OK your now in First Person mode.
Play in that for a few hours and then get back to us about how you want a VR mode.
No. Probably not. You can already play it on the Virtual Desktop but WoW lacks a lot of features that make VR games, well, VR games, interactivity.
WoW has no physics, zero. Everything is a locked object and nothing has any weight. That means that entering a tavern and wanting to pick up a cup is impossible. Think about Skyrim and how you can pickup and toss anything that isn’t nailed down, that’s how WoW would have to be and that would require a full rewrite of the engine.
Here’s how it currently operates
I’d love to see an MMORPG in VR but playing existing content in WoW that way would be next to impossible.
Hmmm… maybe that’s a great reason to make WoW 2…
We may get there one day. There’s studios out there trying and even the company I’m employed with started sending out VR Dev kits for funsies so I don’t see this as a trend anymore.
Depends on the game.
There are two major movement methods. Smooth walking via the thumb-stick just like a controller gamepad, and teleport movement via point and click.
Depending on how the game is set up you may be able to choose whether or not your orientation is based on your controllers or your headset. I prefer headset.
Any steps you take IRL are taken in most VR titles and your turns, crouching, even crawling and leaning are reflected within the VR title. So for interacting within your immediate environment what you physically do IRL is reflected in the game. For moving over longer distances you use a thumbstick to ‘walk’ and turn like it’s a console game.
It can be a little disorienting for people at first, especially if you have a wireless headset. (I do not and prefer having a wired headset.)
I have friends who can’t touch VR at all because it makes them nauseous.
For me personally I prefer having a wired headset because the virtual fence/guardian/border doesn’t always display properly so having the wire and being able to feel it helps keep me oriented so I don’t end up head-butting a bookshelf. (Or punching my monitor.)
Wired headsets also don’t run out of battery.
Pavlov VR is so far the gold standard for multiplayer FPS in VR. It’s basically counter-strike but VR. Decent gun-handling and reloading. The weapon storage (switching weapons) really needs to be changed to a button press instead of lift weapon over shoulder and drop because it doesn’t always ‘catch’ and weapons disappear after 10 seconds on the ground. So you can really screw yourself trying to go for a secondary or grenade.
Single-player… Hot dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades for a single-player FPS.
VR Fallout/Skyrim are more gimmicks than true VR experiences.
VR-Capable simulators like IL2, and Elite Dangerous are amazing. Flying in VR when you have a HOTAS+Rudder pedals is an incredible experience. Especially when you get an opportunity to go barn-storming.
Did I travel back to the mid 90’s? Lets not make another attempt at a virtual boy, and cause eye strain and motion sickness for games that weren’t designed for it.
The last VR game I played was Resident Evil: Biohazard on Playstation VR. It was amazing! I am definitely on board for more VR games.
But I want near reality, because then I’ll be interacting with holograms via the Microsoft Hololens. VR is utter garbage compared to this. I posted a video above in my previous post about it
Here ya go:
Experience forming an M+ in VR (and of course) we are still stuck with our current engine.
OMG that program is so old! I remember when it was in beta years ago.
What does the age of the program have to do anything?
It did VR when VR was not cool
All VR, but NOT Near Reality, as with the Microsoft Hololens. It let’s you interact with holograms, and make VR utter garbage.