WOW in VR, anyone?

Im looking into how to set up wow to work in my VR setup. I dont mind having to use a keyboard and mouse. Just cant sit at a desk or on my laptop anymore because of health issues. But would love to play it in my VR.

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This is a mighty dream. :+1:


I play in 3rd person vr with vorpX and personally i love it!! this is the only way i play now i play in raids, bg and everything with no problems …i strongly suggest you give it a try!!


Hell ya!!!

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Personally I would totally love to play World of Warcraft in VR. I can’t think of anything better to make the world I have lived in for almost 16 years come to life even more.
I truly hope that someone, somewhere can see that it would truly break new ground for the game. As much as World of Warcraft was so groundbreaking back in 2004, it would again take the prize for truly bringing VR gaming to live on the 2020s.

If anyone can do it, and do it so well, then Blizzard can.


I just got an oculus quest, and truly hope they will develop a version of wow for vr. I am a long time wow player, been with it from the beginning, but I cancelled my sub. After gaming in vr, it feels like going from a high end gaming rig back to the very first Atari or Colecovision.

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WoW is compatible with 3D like you see in Movies. (stereoscopic 3d). So if you have a 3D monitor with the glasses you can see it in 3D.

Now for VR, there’s a program called VorpX, that can allow you to simulate that 3D screen. The sense of depth is really good, it makes WoW look like a tabletop game, the character and dimension are not what you would expect. It’s really fun to see.

Another thing, when you zoom in, your “first person” lines up with the characters waist… not your head. (I haven’t tried since the new models have been in retail, maybe they updated it…)

So no real VR but you can simulate the 3D effect as in a 3D movie. Stereoscopic 3D looks much better in VR than with glasses.

Yes! Just not while raiding.

Maybe their next mmo. I don’t think anything about their game would work in VR have you tried playing wow in first person view? It’s not designed for detailed zoomed in viewing

All this makes me think of is the ERP happening on RP servers. A whole new level of immersive depravity!

Said the furry

VR in first person would not be that interesting as the game isnt made for First person view overall. On the other hand VR as an idea of Chase cam you can mouse-look around while you move would be a bit more interesting. Kind of like a God controlling a Mortal to do your actions more than i AM the character.

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They had native 3D support until they took it out recently. Anyone know why it was removed?

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Please give us updates, also DM me willing to possibly fund the project.

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On the steam VR home workshop there are a handful of wow maps somehow copied over to it for VR. Works pretty good, some items are interactable etc. Closest thing you will get for now unfortunately @OP

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get an app called VorpX and you can play in VR…first person or 3rd person…i love it

I set it up for on vorpx and it was really bad. Like pointlessly bad. Looked like a 3ds movie theatre sized.

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Please! If you can, that would be AWESOME!


Definitely :+1: