WoW in 2022

Affliction gets buffed and it is immediately broken in bgs.

Guess I can swap to affliction now.

Nah. Youre not even trying.

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classes getting buffed wont make you any better at wow.
sorry not sorry.

MW is even more meta now, im gearing up mine atm.

Maybe in bgs. Doesn’t feel too good in arena atm.

you right it makes you get carried by the spec no matter how bad you are

I mean it’s powerful but it’s not that bad, people are actually running Demo because it’s buffed.

Affliction is only a problem if your heals/ mage can’t dispel the dots of their team.

how did this thread drop? Affliction is top BG spec

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I was told that hunters were the top.

Oh wait, no someone told me that bear druids were op.

Could everyone make up their minds please?

enh sham is best

Hold on, let me add it to the list of OP classes. It’s been a while, do we still hate Ret Pallys?

Yes, always.

put your mind in the right context and it will make sense.

i think everything but FDK was OP and hated by somebody, (checks notes)and they just got nerfed?!

people gotta find something to do between reruns of paw patrol and cocomelon.

How long until arena settles down? I’m still playing against people 1k xp above me

I have an aff lock and still get smoked by melee.
Must be a BIS gear thing

FDK is also Z tier like Warlocks and are capable of doing warlock damage if not almost.

Flarkness goes pretty in depth about the current state of FDK: