Checking our shared server-forum for the first time ever and seeing like 5 threads/year total have been getting posted for the past however many years is kinda jawdropping.
Why doesn’t Blizz actively do something to reinvigorate realms/realmgroups like this? I’m not saying funnel players in by the droves till we’re the next Illidan or Area52 but I think they really should consider taking a couple of the super-low-pop three RP realm servergroups and merge them into a megagroup of 6 realms.
Like lets be real, some of these realms have such incredibly low active pops that the realms wouldn’t budge from “low population” in the slightest but at least it would help their AH economies and raiding/guild market right?
Like these realms/groups were already low-pop during WoWs peaks, and it’s undeniable that the game has been bleeding subs for years now it’s only made these realms even sadder and the few new players the game gets are strongly railroaded into the New Player Realms or old realms that are already high-pop
If anyone’s lurking around in the tumbleweeds and worn down shacks here, I’d love to hear your thoughts lol
I think merging would be good. Our realm is just like any other but the RP side of the game has died out as competition and other dynamics have taken the spotlight so naturally more people would “choose” a normal server or PvP server.
I started on Sentinels right before Burning Crusade, quit in Cataclysm, and came back in BFA. I’ve noticed a huge jump in pop when DF hit and also an increase of skilled players as our server hasn’t had many min/max players. But all in all, I would like to see more people online in the “phase” that I’m normally in.
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Oh for sure, you’re not wrong people DF definitely helped a lot, but general and tradechat are still very slow/dead even during peak times in Valdrakken and especially the Work Order economy doesn’t exist even after the max order completion nerf. Work Orders are a neat idea and I’ve heard even on really high pop realms it still doesn’t work very consistently as a system but on our servergroup it just flat out doesn’t work with how low the pop is. RP is a meme for sure, and I definitely don’t want these servers to EXPLODE completely in pop, part of the reason I’m here is because of less players are here to compete against for Word Rares and Hunter Pets but I think a balance exists somewhere
I’m a returning player quit during BFA now back on Kirin tor my guild is inactive other than one other player
Chat is non existent in most major cities
Miss the days when people would randomly group up to chat and quest
But not willing to leave Kirin tor have 7 toons here
Seems more of a solo server now
I don’t check this forum much, but the server group isn’t that dead. It’s just mostly people in the new expansion areas. Plus, we’re CRZ’d with Emerald Dream, Scryers and Argent Dawn.