WoW Hotfixes - Updated November 11

Any update on when y’all will be reverting this? Easily one of the worst changes you’ve ever made.

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They don’t know what they’re doing. They’re killing sustain with their blanket choices because they buried themselves in their stupid modifiers.

When the class is made to feel worse most of the time(out of burst) to address burst problems, they’re still clueless about the issues they’ve created. They’re making things worse in another direction.

Oh, and keep buffing warlocks, rogues and hunters. They are struggling.

You need to take hunters out of there cause they got nerfed so hard they will be at the bottom 4 for all 3 specs fighting for the worse spot with enhancement.

Repositing here in hopes of a Dev actually replying to a lot of the concerns of the community:

  1. Enhancement getting gutted with no communication, if PVP or ST was the focus why not give proper balance tuning to the issues? Why does WW receive proper communication but Enhancement does not? I’m not arguing a nerf wasn’t warranted, but this is lazy tuning with no focus on what the actual issues are, not targeted tuning at things that are scaling beyond what was intended. I’ve watched multiple forums where people are constantly just asking for just some communication and have received nothing from this. Is there a reason that Enhancement doesn’t deserve the treatment that Windwalker does?
  2. BM and MM both receiving heavy nerfs with no communication. MM is one of the worst classes in PVE and has received zero communication regarding a spec changing ability. BM just had a playstyle taken away without any communication.
  3. Disc getting an entire playstyle taken away with no communication. This murders the specs potential for raiding and there is no explanation or reasoning given. After watching it get gutted for a whole expansion I have to ask what you guys have against that class since tuning seems to always murder disc.
  4. Why are we tuning classes in Prepatch? Clearly we were wrong to expect things to be messed up with the overlaps of secondary powers, but why focus on these classes over other classes: Afflic, Arms, Boomkin who also have some crazy parses?

C’mon Bliz people wouldn’t react so poorly if you just talked to us some more. If Riot, You for HoTS originally, Hi-rez and other companies can give reasoning for every adjustment surely you can give a few sentences in a blog post that went live immediately the next day. It feels rather scummy and like you were attempting to sneak this through a late night adjustment instead of something well reasoned out.


Man these tuning changes really showing how uneducated enhance shamans are, no wonder their spec is always jacked up, they non stop giving awful takes.

What’s wrong with asking for reasoning/insightful nerfs? If One class received a block of reasoning, what’s wrong with the rest receiving reasoning?

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Yo! I think you meant to reduce Holy Priest’s Holy Fire…

Any chance ya’ll can boost Fistweaving a bit so we’re at least in-line with other healers DPS?

Well, the reasoning should be obvious based on enhancements Beta damage.

However, I grant the desire for dev notes to have an explanation.

However, that’s not what’s making the shaman community look like fools, it’s comments like this that are doing it:

This is a clear indication that you had no idea that enhancement shaman was dominating every form of content by miles on beta.

Tuning isn’t being done based on prepatch, it’s based on beta performance.

And yet with the lack of these powers enhancements leap forward only gained momentum upon reaching 70.

I can’t speak to arms or moonkin, so I won’t.

I can however speak to affliction, who performs pretty good in aoe on beta, not amazing, but it’s up there. And it’s ST is middle to upper middle pack.

From the way you describe it, it sounds like you are basing your complaint on its prepatch damage, which was a result from a bug causing shard of annihilation to not only affect 2 extra drain souls, but also have its crit effect last for roughly 5 seconds afterward for whatever reason, allowing a 4th drain soul to be somewhat empowered.

This bug was quickly fixed.

Don’t worry though, it’s not just you making irrational and uneducated arguments, throughout all of the threads on this topic you’ll find excessive quantities of shaman showing off the bubble they’ve been living in.

I hope that cleared things up champ. :grin:

Here are today’s hotfixes:

NOVEMBER 2, 2022


  • Druid
    • Guardian
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Scintillating Moonlight from reducing damage taken.
  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Clouded Focus now correctly buffs the Enveloping Mist healing from Tear of Morning.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue preventing Avenging Wrath nodes from being draggable from the talent pane.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Malefic Affliction is now applied to the caster rather than an enemy target for easier tracking.
      • Fixed an issue where Dread Touch was not correctly being applied.
      • Fixed an issue where Doom Blossom was not gaining an increased chance of occurring from your stack count of Malefic Affliction.
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Annihilan Training would not be reapplied to your Felguard if learned while your Felguard was active.

Player versus Player

  • Players who leave Rated Solo Shuffle early now are appropriately penalized.


  • Fixed an issue where the quest “A One-Way Ticket to the Heart” couldn’t be completed
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Thank the lord.

Btw, Sbolt and demonbolt are still not generating appropriate shards at start of encounters.

Please look into Inquisitor’s Gaze as I’ve not seen or heard anyone from Blizzard talk about this talent in months. It was added and then unleashed on warlocks where it does less damage than a trinket.

What the hell is this Blizzard? Why?


If you still keep that brain-dead 25% nerf FOR ALL DAMAGE for enhancement shaman blizz I really suggest you to retract that nerf and nerf Elem blast but for all ability and no explanation at all this is a lazy nerf

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yeah that does almost nothing, leavers leave because they are already getting 0-6’d, non-leavers should gain rating based on the won matches.

Thanks for the input “Champ”, way to keep up the energy of being a know it all and talking down to your audience. Frankly looking at your prior posts I can find that same level of irrational arguments regarding warlocks including massive post where you are talking about a class historically tuned too high for raiding environments, but that is not the point of the conversation, just a comment on your hypocritical comments.

If this was a Beta change, there is no conversation, but it was a Pre-patch change, one specifically targeting Pre-Patch with under the hood numbers tuning targeting the venthyr convenent ability. Saying that the class was gutted in Prepatch is not the same discussion as applying flat aura nerfs during a prepatch to kill over performing builds. So I appreciate you stating that I clearly have no idea whatsoever and treating me like a child, but I questioning the reason for hitting them in Prepatch instead of focusing tuning during Beta. The lack of communication isn’t the greatest and is the only part I am focusing on, I have not stated that the nerfs were unwarrented, but you are already looking to take things out of context, aren’t you? :wink:

It doesn’t matter what you state about it not mattering to people because it is pre patch, but this is a wide spread comment I have found on the original post with people asking why they were being nerfed during pre patch. In fact I don’t doubt you would be on this forum crying if Warlock had it’s strongest class brought back to the median by taking down Necrolord Affliction since it is overperforming All other specs according to Warcraftlogs. Your argument here is subjective on this topic as well, so I will move on.

This discussion is specifically regarding changes targeted at Prepatch performance and that is all. It is not stating that Beta changes are invalid, but is asking why when historically Blizzard doesn’t apply such drastic changes during Prepatch and lets the community go wild.

But don’t worry it’s not just you being a Blizzard simp who puts down their fellow gamers because it’s not their class and not their problem. It’s ok that you make irrational and subjective arguments with no facts and are just looking forward to putting down others. It just shows that you prefer to put down others instead of showing empathy when other people are upset. Please remember your attitude when you are frustrated with any class issues for a class that you love.

I hope this clears things up for you kiddo :wink:

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If you look under the hood at the changes the actual changes are -22 percent aura nerf to Maelstrom spenders, dropping the modifier from -10 to -32 percent, a flat 25 percent nerf to Shock damage. Scaling nerf applied to Lava Lash, Frost Strike, Storm Strike, Fire Nova and Crash Lightning. It kills any attempt at a Frost Strike Build on live, but hopefully this stops being a problem in Beta.

The bigger nerf that won’t affect us in Beta is a -32 percent nerf to our Venthyr covenant ability. That is the bigger change they didn’t speak about. The part I do not understand is why the lazy posting while numbers tuning was found and could’ve been explained

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I have to disagree cause the only thing that really matters is your weakauras to track buff timers and stuff. Everything else you can pretty much move anywhere you want.

No problemo.

I don’t display traits of a know it all, note when I stumble across a topic that I’m not versed in, I tend to keep my mouth shut, a practice that would benefit you.

Ofcourse I have previous posts on warlocks and their beta performance, however, I actual familiarize myself with the topics, and look at what the actual problem is, and depending on how I’m feeling, come up with a solution.

The changes to prepatch, reflect what’s happening in the beta, where enhancement shaman were light years ahead of everybody else, it had nothing to do with pre patch tuning.

Ight, so a lot of this what sort of nonsense, so ima more of address this.

The prepatch is the precursor to beta, the they aren’t going to wait until we get to DF to apply most tuning changes, this is because that’s one more chunk of code that could break in the mountain of changes at launch, so it’s objectively better to get it working during prepatch and verify it didn’t break anything.

On top of this, several specs tuning changes are being implemented to the beta later then that of the patch notes, for some unknown reason, likely they’ve had an issue that delayed the updates to the classes, warlocks are also one of them.

Ok say so here we go.

Warlocks have been asking for Decon balancing by shifting our damage into other abilities so we could stop being Decon PI / stamina eating terminators like we’ve been all expansion.

This, would be an improvement in gameplay, but ultimately a loss in damage, which is well worth it.

As for necrolord afflock, it’s over performance was a direct result of a bug, a bug that was quickly fixed, and warlocks didn’t even bat an eye, we knew why it happened, why it needed to happen.

Unlike the absurdity of enhancement shamans blind eye to beta performance.

Here is the kicker.

The changes in prepatch, are done because they are changes for the beta.

All of those lists of tuning, yeah, that’s all based on beta performance, not prepatch.

But guess you’ll learn when that 25% nerf is continued into DF.

I only put down ignorant people.

I won’t show empathy for a kid crying over spilled milk, when it was actually mama pouring it into a bowel of cereal.

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As soon as SL is done, and all of these borrowed power systems go away, all of these adjustments are really going to show just how lost they are in regards to tuning. Maybe they should try playing the game some.

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