WoW Hotfixes - Updated April 18

I think they’re looking at the WCL, which are over inflated due to Eranog existing, a fight that’s add packs line up perfectly with demos CDs, ontop of the fight only lasting like 2 minutes, and since were a Burst spec, makes the spec seem way stronger then it really is.

It’s like balancing a spec for its terragrue damage.

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The one fight demo tops on. I could see that.

For all those years, the dev team already lose every single last bit of their face.

At this point I think they are just enjoying watching people suffer, buff a class and then nerf it right away to watch their player base cry.

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What the heck guys… you over buff locks then you over nerf locks you, under nerf frost dk AND YOU DON’T EVEN TOUCH DH OR ROGUES!!! like common yall are sucking at this stuff.

All demo changes does not affect pvp, read the entire line next time lol

What? How? Lol

Guys unfortunately disqualified people produce bad work it’s simple as that. After Legion the game has only been getting worse, the boat is sinking why is it?! mysteries… or not.


Not shock D4 is a hot mess. The beta was trash!! Class balancing was way worse then we’ve seen in WoW. Some classes able to get legendaries before others, etc.

Pretty sure their failure to respond to us is, they don’t even know themselves. Ion said do it, so an office peon did it!

Le’s go MS, buy these clowns and clean house! WoW has potential, these folks just can’t seem to give a sweet you know what, aside from eSports.

Going to be interesting to see how many SURV/FDK/AFF are going to be in the COMING MDI runs. Demo and BM maybe, but my AoE took a beating as a BM simming lower now in both ST (~3.6% 2.7K DPSor and even more on AoE, approx 7.4% or approx 5.4K dps.

Gonna have some fun with the steaming with weekend! XD :slight_smile:

Hey all! Here are today’s hotfixes.

March 28, 2023


  • Druid

    • Balance
      • Updated the Denizen of the Dream Faerie Dragons to reduce how often they unintentionally engage enemies. They will now enter stealth or invisibility if the caster does, and they now spawn closer to the caster.
      • Starfall damage increased by 13%.
      • Starfall no longer deals damage once when it is first cast.
        • Developers’ note: The above changes address a bug. Starfall deals damage once when initially applied. When it is refreshed, it updates the existing Starfall instead of creating a new instance. Thus, those subsequent Starfall casts do not get the damage of the initial hit. This change removes the initial hit and adds the damage it would deal across all Starfall’s other ticks. As a player, you will notice slightly more delay before Starfall deals damage, but its damage overall will be increased when cast multiple times.
  • Paladin

    • Fixed an issue causing Divine Purpose to sometimes be incorrectly consumed by an Afterimage trigger.
    • Fixed an issue causing Fading Light to sometimes apply an absorb with no value.
  • Priest

    • Holy
      • Fixed a bug causing Symbol of Hope to reduce the cooldown of both Divine Protection and Shield of Vengeance for Retribution Paladins. It will now only reduce the cooldown of Divine Protection.
    • Shadow
      • Addressed an issue causing Mind Blasts queued after a Mind Spike to not properly reduce the cast time of Mind Blast with Mind Melt talented.

Player versus Player

  • Classes
    • Mage
      • Fixed an issue that caused Frozen Orb’s duration to be longer or shorter than intended.
    • Priest
      • Shadow
        • Fixed an issue causing Psyfiend to be usable during Dispersion.
    • Warlock
      • Affliction
        • Fixed an issue causing Soul Swap Exhale to bypass spell reflection and spell redirect mechanics. The initial cast of Soul Swap will continue to bypass these effects.

Is it an intended economic decision to reward players for owning snowstorm mount by letting them earn millions of gold per week by running their mount into a wall on one toon and auto clicking snowball drops on another?

It should either be soulbound or some other item. Right now a primary stat feast recipe uses snow in a cone which uses snowballs, so riding on top of a time limited FOMO mount that was discontinued in shadowlands is a better “gathering profession” than actual dragonflight gathering professions.

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ah yes more aff nerfs

u guys are braindead lowkey

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Stop ignoring feedback

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Another week without an Outlaw Rogue buff…

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Hey all! Here are today’s hotfixes.

March 29, 2023


  • Druid
    • Fixed an issue causing Ursoc’s Fury to generate an incorrect absorb value.
  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Fixed an issue that caused the additional Tiger Palm from Awakened Faeline to sometimes not cast while changing facing or moving out of melee range.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue causing some Paladins to fail to obtain their Charger.
  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • Fixed an issue causing Idol of Y’Shaarj to not trigger its Enrage removal effect against creatures affected by Enrage from the Raging Affix in Mythic+ Dungeons.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Fixed an issue where Soul Flame damage did not match the amount described in the tooltip.

Soul Flame fix, amazing. Maybe now you can fix the Madness of the Azj’Aqir tooltip, it lasts 5 seconds but says 4.

fists of fury fix soon :pray:

also, we’re really gonna have the trading post roll over into April without the Dragonrider set getting fixed or even acknowledged, are we?

I asked this in the trading post thread and someone replied that it was fixed on the 10.1 PTR (it’s a client issue or something apparently???)

So if you’re like me just freeze it and wait to buy it rather than use your tendies on something that you can’t mog yet.

When we gonna get shadowbolt and demonbolt not generating shards bugged fix?

Like we mass reported this bug for since BFA but you useless people refuse to fix it because you literally don’t give af about warlock players

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It was never intended that shadowbolt and demonbolt would generate soul shards every time they’re cast. We’ve updated the tooltip to reflect that shadowbolt and demonbolt have a 92% chance of generating soul shards.

So now Soul Flame probably does 0 damage.