WoW Hotfixes - January 8

This is the stupidest change. If BGB doesn’t count as a random battleground then MAKE IT CONTRIBUTE TO THE VAULT. If it doesn’t contribute to the vault THEN ITS A RANDOM BATTLEGROUND. I joined a BGB after buying a new enchant for my weapon. Went to apply it in the waiting room. You know what error I got? “You cannot use this in rated pvp.” You know how much “rated pvp” honor I got that match? Zero.

BGB is AMAZING but it is going to die if people are still forced to do other pvp formats to fill the vault and remain gear competitive. If you want an accurate read on player engagement with it as a potential new rated pvp format then you NEED to let it contribute to the vault. Cut the honor reward in half. Cut it by 75%. Do whatever adjustment you need. But for the love of all that is not corrupted by old gods please let it contribute to the vault.

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No. It doesn’t need to be cut at all. You have to win to make any significant Honor gains, anyways - and that’s not a guaranteed thing, being a random mode.

Honestly? They should just make the Honor count for the vault. Participation would sky-rocket and give them all the numbers they need to make better assessments for the future of the mode.


I’m just trying to get ahead of any counter argument that honor per hour through BGB radically outpaces other formats. I don’t know that it does for sure, just want to make it known that in my mind I’m ok with that change if it’s needed to balance it out.

The thing is… for this to work efficiently, you have to win - and that’s not easy when Blitz is pretty random in its team compositions. Yeah, MMR is there, but that means diddly when even at 2k+ MMR, Rets forget to press Bubble and Warrs still die behind pillars like complete idiots.

As per it being “Too fast,” I 3-capped my vault in ~7 RSS games. That’s what fast looks like. It’d take a whole lot more Blitz to 3-cap a vault, taking losses into account.

We’d need to look at the numbers, but if it’s ok to 3-cap a vault in ~7 RSS games (an evening, basically), then it should be ok to 3-cap a vault with x many Blitz wins.

Welp, time to shelve the BM hunter, was a fun 3 days, but now its back to mediocrity and getting wrecked by melee, broke DH, broken DK, immune to death rogues, dealing with 500k aimed shots, etc. etc. I imagine demo warlock will be in the same boat again… maybe we should all just get a list of the Sr. Devs characters so we play those…

They played Rogues for years, then when DKs came out they played those for years and years, but got bored and moved to DH and have been pretty happy there since.

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LOL thats funny

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so you reduced it to 8 seconds by removing the second effect of concentrated/precise sigils and now you guys decided to remove a whole second off, why it was on par with Solar beam and we still had to talent to get it on par with Solar beam. Oh, I see you guys decided oh we messed up so instead of limiting what sigils get doubled (if you want to play the sigil build which is sorta of what you guys were forcing) you are deciding to nerf the VDH utility into the ground. I have an idea just make it that Sigil of Flame is doubled by illuminated sigils instead of nerfing all the other none sigil builds utility

Here are today’s hotfixes:

November 16, 2023


  • Monk
    • Mistweaver
      • Fixed an issue that caused Essence Font to fire one more bolt than intended per second channeled.
      • Developers’ notes: We’re aware of an issue that will cause Essence Font’s tooltip to display an incorrect channel rate after this fix. This will be addressed in a future update.
  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Sanguine Blades damage from vulnerability damage increases on enemies to be unintentionally doubled.
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Poisoned Edges (Aberrus 2-piece set bonus) damage from vulnerability damage increases on enemies to be unintentionally doubled.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
    • Fyrakk
      • Developers’ notes: Both player feedback and data have indicated that Heroic Fyrakk doesn’t pose as much of a challenge as we’d intended. We’d like Fyrakk to be a satisfying ending to Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope for the vast majority of players who have yet to encounter him, so we’re making a few adjustments to the overall difficulty of the encounter.
      • Burning Scales damage increased by 40%.
      • There is now an additional occurrence of Blaze during Stage Three.
      • Blaze damage increased by 40%.
      • Damage of colliding with a Swirling Firestorm increased by 60%.
  • Dawn of the Infinite
    • Resolved an issue that could cause Chromie to get stuck channeling on Blight of Galakrond during a Mythic Keystone run.
    • Resolved an issue which could prevent Manifested Timeways from spawning.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Gift of Ursine Vengeance from stacking Rising Rage properly.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Hearthstone of the Flame from being tradeable to other eligible party members.
  • Rings and neck pieces from Throne of the Tides should now drop correctly for all classes.

User Interface

  • Restricted addon functions that allowed for in-combat distance checking between players.
    • Developers’ notes: This change was intended to be implemented with the launch of the Guardians of the Dream patch, to avoid requiring that addon authors update their addons separately after the content is already being played. We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience.

This change is so ridiculously anti-healer, and I really don’t understand why it’s being made after being a thing all these years. Healers have already dealt with enough anti-healer changes in DF. What was being “solved” by addons here besides accounting for the clunkiness of finding range on friendly players?


No. Stop. Don’t do this. Go back, go not pass go, and do not collect $200. I don’t think I’ve seen a single person out there who was happy about this change, especially since y’all snuck it on us out of the blue today.

This is a ludicrously anti-healer change, has legitimate accessibility concerns with people who mod their UI (which is an extremely large number of players), and it’s even more bonkers that y’all dropped this on everyone mid-week with literally zero advance notice and I’m genuinely shocked that y’all were intending to drop this at the start of the patch, also with no advance notice, in the first place.

I really don’t understand what you’re trying to “fix” by making this change that doesn’t actively make the game harder to play for far more people. Is it something on Mythic Smolderon or Fyrakk? Because that affects a few thousand people at most, yet you’re making changes like this that come at the detriment to hundreds of thousands if not millions of players.


See you in 2-3 weeks when this gets nerfed by those exact same values or more Linxy :heart:


Who the hell complained about this?

Less than 80 guilds have killed it worldwide. What the hell is this? Who said this?


I wish I could like this post more than once. I cannot even FATHOM attempting to play a healing class again if this change stays in game as is. And not only that, but apparently even using the default in-game party and raid frames to determine who is in range or who needs a summon isn’t allowed either? What harm did that cause to literally anyone?

Obviously they made this change for a reason, but if that reason was seriously “to avoid requiring that addon authors update their addons separately after the content is already being played” and nothing else…revert it. Every single addon author I’ve seen has stated clearly that they are very much against this change, so it’s not even “helping” the people they were aiming to help.


I’m fairly certain that the blue post is saying that they didn’t intend to force a separate update on addon authors. Not that they weren’t going to push this out regardless.

That said, Bliz seems to be working to remove game changing functionality away from addons. Unless I’m mistaken on its purpose this distance check can be used for position checking as well, which could be used to trivialize awareness and mobility mechanics. Which seems to be something the devs are working to make viable again.

Fix warlock destruction. It’s underperforming in m+ and raids. it’s ridiculously bad.

Anyone else remember when they listened to thier player base. Oh wait ever since i started playing back in wrath blizzard never really listen to thier player base good to see the leppard never changed its spots.

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Who wanted this? This is terrible. This nerfs everyone that relies on healers…so everyone.


Terrible change.


Does this actually mean that grid will no longer show me when people are out of range?

If that’s actually what it means… yeah… i’ll be unsubbing.