WoW Hotfixes - January 8

Why this bizarre obsession with making it player determinate then continually narrowing the start times down in such a way that we can never be exactly certain when it will start?

Why not just simply have it start every two hours? Why make it so much more convoluted than it needs to be?

Literally no one was asking for this. The only rep fix we need is to let us get exalted with Silverwing. You sneeze in Ashenvale and you’ll hit the revered cap, making it even fast accomplishes essentially nothing.

Give me a dang reason to go defend Moonbae.


We should have had Ziggy Stardust appear in wow to give us a starman concert.

RIP David Bowie.


For boss 2 of fall I would make it one chronofade dot only (not two), always placed on the healer. For boss 4 of rise I would make it one infinity orb only (not two), always placed above the healer.