WoW Hotfixes – Updated May 27

fix elemental


What in the world are you thinking to nerf fights now? Save those changes till next week. This raid has brought the first level of excitement to the game for years with how close it is between the top two guilds. Let the race finish first.

Can you make Frost DK survivable in quest content please? Pretty please?

Nice, another hotfix goes live, and hunters remain untouched in leveling bgs.

This, despite the fact that they could receive an aura that applies a flat 50% damage output reduction on everything they do and not only would they remain absolutely completely fine, they’d still be highly competitive.

This drop rate sucks! As pretty much every one knows. How about the drop rate for the Vespoid Lattice? I don’t mind farming don’t get me wrong. But I’ve been farming for over a week now with NO drops! I know it’s not suppose to drop 100% even 50% or so but not even a 1% drop rate at this moment. I’ve killed at least 10+k vespoids in all areas there are and would hope that Blizzard might change or fix the drop rate?

Hmm… still not fixed. Blizzard are you paying attention?

Today’s hotfixes are:

MARCH 22, 2022


  • Demon Hunter
    • Vengeance
      • (4) Set Bonus: Fixed an issue with the set bonus not always reducing the cooldown of Fel Devastation or Immolation Aura while Unity (Kyrian Blind Faith) was equipped.
  • Hunter
    • Fixed an issue with Marksman’s Advantage (Conduit) that could cause it to apply to targets without your Hunter’s Mark active.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sepulcher of the First Ones
    • Artificer Xy’mox
      • Players affected by Spirit of Redemption will no longer trigger Interdimensional Wormholes during the encounter.
    • Lords of Dread
      • Fearful Trepidation’s visual should more closely match its effect radius.
    • Rygelon
      • Fixed an issue where Unstable Quasar could strike players outside of the Singularity.
    • The Jailer
      • Fixed an issue where Tainted Azerite could critically hit.
  • Tazavesh, Streets of Wonder
    • Mailroom Mayhem
      • Fixed an issue where Invulnerable players could fail to pick up Unstable Goods.
  • Scholomance
    • Instructor Chillheart
      • Fixed an issue where Ice Walls were not visible during the encounter.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue which prevented Unity (Runecarving Power) from being applied to Grim-Veiled Robe for Mages, Warlocks, and Priests.

Mage fixes scheduled for the next update?

Hello! Here are today’s hotfixes:

MARCH 23, 2022


  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • Fixed an issue where Rapid Fire was not dealing reduced damage to secondary targets while under the effects of Trick Shots.
  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • (2) Set Bonus: Fixed a rare issue which could incorrectly cause Divine Purpose (Talent) to be usable twice after Ashes to Ashes triggered.


  • Night Fae
    • Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) no longer activates if the user is mind controlled.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sepulcher of the First Ones
    • Vigilant Guardian
      • Fixed an issue that could cause the Vigilant Guardian to unintentionally reset.
    • Anduin Wrynn
      • Fixed an issue causing Fragment of Hope to trigger on Normal difficulty.
    • Lords of Dread
      • Fixed an issue where Mal’Ganis was not saying his last text line upon being defeated.
    • The Jailer
      • Fixed an issue that allowed players under Compulsion to use Demonic Gateways.
  • Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder
    • Fixed an issue where Path of the Streetwise Merchant’s teleport cooldown would not be reset when completing a Mythic+ dungeon.

Items and Rewards

  • Slightly increased the drop rates of Progenium Essentia and Heavy Callous Hides.
  • Slightly increased the drop amounts of Lightless Silk, Shadowlands Ores (other than Progenium Ore), and Callous Hide.
  • Significantly increased the amount of Soul Ash and Soul Cinder earned by completing Torghast, Tower of the Damned.

Elemental shamans, accessibility class power refund for damages caused by social justice nerf


I knew something was up! Cleared 4 debuffs doing this fight yesterday and people were getting CHUNKED far more then I remembered. Glad to know I wasnt crazy.

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Now that the Retribution 2pc has had it’s bug hotfixed is there any chance Paladin set bonuses will be looked at in terms of performance?

Currently they have underperforming set bonuses, ontop of a class that is already struggling with performance, whilst not providing any baseline raid utility (BoP etc is niche, Devo aura is not unique and typically brought by the better performing Holy and Prot specs).

Melee already has typically struggled with raid slots, and when compared to almost all other classes it falls short.
When “take the player not the class” is the mission Paladins fail in this objective, because there is every reason to choose another option and no reason to choose the Paladin.


That’s a lie, it would happen regularly on the course of a M+.
Despite that broken bug we were still being largely outperformed by the other DPS class.

Make Seraphim baseline and remove it’s HP cost. That would be a good starting point.

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How “slight” is “slightly increased”? A real change would be drop the number of items needed to be crafted per tier as well as halving the mats needs.


I wonder if blizz just expects you to play classes rather than specs, meaning if holy or prot are viable you should just respec.


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Still experiencing the Sinister Teachings bug.

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Although for hybrid classes it isn’t necessarily an option as they all perform different roles.
Some people might simply want to play a specific role which should be ok, others might not have a raid spot for specific roles, or others might be like myself who swapped to dps due to internet instability that is less impactful on a dps than on a role such as healer or tank.

Perhaps Blizzard looks at Warcraftlogs and deems them “fine” as they are somewhat “middle of the pack” overall over the difficultiesin the current raid (albeit as low as you can get before considering it bottom of the pack lol).

However that is discounting the fact that it is the only dps spec available to Paladins, and if you look at each individual class options Ret is in the bottom 2 classes (even below other spec options for some classes) of each difficulty bracket.
(Monk lower in Normal and Heroic but provides Mystic Touch, and DH lower in Mythic but provides Chaos Brand)

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Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.
Why isn’t this fixed? It was reported on 9.2 PTR months ago.

ty ty ty ty ty ty ty for this HUGE Win today, my 46 alts who dont even have a single leggo are overjoyed!

Wait until you find out it’s not BoA, requires Honored, and if you want to transfer Soul Ash / Soul Cinders via Korthia, there’s a 20% penalty. So it takes 1.27 boxes just to send enough for 1 alt (it takes 6300 Soul Ash to get 5,250 to an alt, and 2100 Soul Cinders to get 1750 to an alt, sent in quantities of 250, so you can’t just send 5150 and 1650)