700 is 94.59% of 740
262.96 is 94.59% of 278
I tried retail again since release and I just can’t do it.
I really hope 10.0 is better or I’m probably gonna stay in Wrath Classic forever lol.
I feel for you OP but I have to say that I am still having fun despite earlier frustrations with the expansion.
I’m playing some of these covenant stories for the first time and I’m really enjoying myself.
I think zerith mortis would be a lot more engaging if it was related to characters we knew and loves instead of a vague mystery with no real answers (and answers I probably don’t care to find out anyway.)
But the raid and the dungeon experience remain fun for me. I love collecting transmog and dressing up my character too. I like doing torgast with friends and I like crafting my legendaries.
I just really want time gating to be decreased and to have narrative content increased.
So you think it was more alt friendly back in the days with all the attunements requiring you to do previous raids before you could play the latest content? As opposed to now with easy catch up gear as high as the previous raid and free access to the latest?
That’s not how item level scaling works. It already is a linear representation of exponential scaling.
If it was we couldn’t use the the same 13 or 15 item levels between raid tiers as the power gain would keep getting less and less.
Because they are no longer trying to design a “fun” game. It’s apparent. They are designing the game to get numbers as high as possible, numbers like time played. That’s why there are so many systems and gating in place.
I think you’re talking about something I’m not talking about. I’m talking about the distance from the max possible item level.
You merely posted all of that to garner acceptance, and attention from the other haters of this game that infest these forums. Most players don’t even read these forums, so these forums are merely an echo chamber for those players that are dissatisfied with the game, but can’t bring themselves to actually quit due to old memories.
The final episode of Felicia Days’s web series, about this very game, called the guild, captures it best at the last part of the episode.
Can’t enjoy alts without a “Weeks of grinding” I have been playing multiple alts at varying lvls of play and haven’t done this “weeks of grinding” your talking about.
Btw you also can get all of your conduits from zereth mortis in an hour or so, and get max renown in a day, aswell as maxing out conduits just by doing m+. It really isn’t much of any kind of grind.
That is an indictment on the quality of the game. Make a better game and players might enjoy doing content again on a different char. You can dress a pig however you want, ultimately it is still a pig. I want Blizzard to make the game more fun as a whole which would lead to fun alt play.
Weird because the Mythic + players complain that its focused on raiders and the raiders say it’s focused on pvpers and the pvpers say its focused on the pet battlers and so on and so on.
I know it was more alt friendly when I was able to level a character to 100 in wod, queue for PvP, and have full honor gear in a day or two. Guess what? There was no need of catch up to compensate for a multitude of elaborate interconnected systems and checklists.
And it would be the same for a brand new player. How dare a new player expect to play the game others have been slaving away at like 3 full-time jobs for 18 years? How dare they!
Ion’s response was that there were complaints of nothing else to do
But I feel like they are just throwing stuff without much thought, rhyme, or reason to it all and thinking it is fun. A lot of what they thought up of in SL for instance is just bloat upon bloat filled with timers that you wait on with no real engagement past logging back in to claim said reward or research or whatever.
A lot of things that when I heard people told their friend or new player, they affectively just noped out and went to play something else lol
I think we would be better off with a couple less gear systems! Too much is not fun to me.