When I started playing WoW at the start of Burning Crusade, it took a couple years for me to reach max level. It was so far a goal that we did not even think about it. Let alone good gear. We just had a lot of fun.
“We” were our whole guild, my 300 friends and most of the players I knew.
Now, players want to get a char from scratch to mythic raid ready in some days. And not for just one char, for their twenty “alts” (that have to be treated like mains, but faster).
A couple weeks is considered as an endless grind.
I guess that what many current WoW players really want is consuming all content in 3 days and then grinding their eyes out in FF14, Lost Ark or Elden Ring.
Good thing fun is wildly subjective. I’m having fun.
My fun is the not the same fun as yours.
Fortunately for me, I have not been burdened with feelings of:
“… oh no, I need my ALTs to be as geared as my main with half the effort!”
“…oh no, the content I want to do is utterly impossible to participate in without TWO legendaries both at max power!”
Hope you find fun elsewhere
Agreed 100%. This game has too many secondary systems for power progression apart from raiding, pvp and mplus.
Dailies upon dailies of chores and grinding boring covernants or torgasts.
You should try PVPing on a alt that doesnt have covernant, legendaries and unupgraded pvp gear.
Also just because fun is subjective doesnt mean a larger proportion of people find it less fun which is just damaging to the game. Not everybody likes mindless chores that require nothing but timegates and your time each day.
Like some people enjoy there day job as an accountant but the majority dont or some people like going for runs every morning at 5am and others dont. You are basically saying " well i like it so just quit". I think lots of people have quit and the game is getting progressively worse.
I am currently taking my lvl 60 and getting rep in Silvermoon city.
I will make sure I am Exalted on all horde cities.
Why would you not have a covenant? It takes literally one minute to choose a covenant.
Good thing they made soul ash BoA and lower iLVL leggos are dirt cheap nowadays.
You can get full 226 gear in minutes after you hit level cap.
It seriously has never been easier.
And that is one of the reasons why this game isn’t fun anymore. Its more focus towards mythic than all other aspects of the game.
white knight defending chores/timegated grinds in retail, what a chad. Some people dont need meangless daily progression in a video game to fill a void because they dont do anything else.
Just saying
Just using rationale, logic, and reason, something we are all capable of.
Projection much? Are you sure about that?
To be honest WoD satisfies almost every complaint on the forums.
No being forced to do content you don’t want like mythic+
PvP gear is easy to get and not based on raiding.
There are no chores to do. Even ore and herbs show up in your garrison.
Challenge modes are cosmetic only.
No weekly chest of disappointment.
No grinds. No feelings of missing out for not doing world content.
No feeling forced to do LFR for tier sets.
It’s pretty much the ideal expansion for many players it seems.
You are basically saying you are okay with chores. IE timegated secondary systems that contribute to player power. Systems that are not difficult but just require daily log ins and daily activity.
Some people dont like secondary systems and im one of them. Its trash mobile game design which enforces addiction by getting people playing each day like a daily rewards calender. You are basically white knighting anti player systems.
You should get a job as a politician since you want the worse for people.
Come and play Classic Vanilla on Bloodsail Buccaneers with us. We’d love to have you.
If you consider anything that I listed to be a “chore” then this isn’t the right game for you. You’re looking for a MOBA/FPS.
Now, now. It’s the right game for ALL of us. We just want it to be something different because all see that there’s still so much untapped potential in it—like an 8th grader who is failing math and needs a mentor.
I still hold onto the opinion that Warlords would have been one of, if not the greatest expansion in the games history had Blizzard not tried to do a one expansion a year thing and cut out all of the content.
Yep. Thankfully, it’s not everyone. Ion admitted this in an interview before the SL pre-patch dropped that the data showed there were two camps of players, those who prefer to rush to endgame and enjoy the endgame things exclusively, and those who prefer the journey and leveling process.
When you cater too much to one side, you get SL. Endgame heavy and bonedry.
The leveling process should be longer, much longer, full of things to do. This whole “rush to endgame” mentality has to stop. If someone wants to just launch their game and jump straight into a dungeon, there are other games that have that format, go play LoL or a dungeon runner.
Oof, hard disagree. Leveling in this game has always been garbage. The faster I can do it the better.
“Has always been”
“Must continue to be”
With that attitude, it will surely remain the same. There’s such a thing as change, something this game desperately needs. The formula no longer works as evidenced by the BFA/SL reception. There’s no room for a strike three.
I mean we have 18 years of precedent, I’m pretty sure it’s not going to get any better lol.
I’ll have to disagree with you there
If Blizz makes it so I can get to 263 ilvl (or 270 if you go off 285 ilvl end bosses) in an hour then it can get the never been easier title