I accidentally deleted my tawny wind rider and cant find it, what do i do?
Your armory profile shows you’ve collected it. Did you right click it in your inventory? If so, you’ve learned it and it now appears in your mount journal.
Aren’t they basic flying mounts? If you can’t get it back then you should be able to easily afford it. Also, you should put this thread in support section. Don’t think they will see it to help you here general.
You can just buy another from a few mount vendors.
You get it every time you complete Exile’s Reach on Horde. If you destroyed it, start up another character in Exile’s Reach and you get another one.
Sorry, yup, totally noobed it, i found it…
(Embarrassing) lol
Ive been wandering around with a couple of different mounts, didnt realize it.
Every single one of us has, I promise. Welcome to WoW!
Don’t worry about it! It happens more often than you think to the best of folks.
If you do delete something in the future, though, you can utilize the Item Restoration service once a week.
I did that when I vendored my Hero gun, before realizing that’s a bit silly when I only had a Champ track weapon…
I had my filter set to flying mounts for a while. When I realized i was not seeing any of my ground mounts I started to panic. Finally figured it out. Don’t be embarrassed at all. We all have done some stupid stuff in this game. Should be an achievement really.
you can go to the battlenet website and theres a section for you to retrieve your deleted items back in the mail but it only works once a week.
Thank you very much, at the moment i’m trying to figure out macro how to’s and experimenting with spell combos.
Very good stuff over in this pinned thread on the UI and Macro section:
Might give that a look when you have the time.
Are you a new player?
If you need any help be sure to ask ok.
Ill start tonight! Im reading alot on Icy Veins and WoWhead, more i do, more i see how much i dont know. So much.