WoW has "unsub causing" design issues built in

MMOs aren’t supposed to be designed to be your only game.
Take a break, go play other things. Add some variety to your life.


Actually, theyre normally designed to retain players. The current design is literally encouraging people to just stop playing WoW and find other things to do with their free time.

Normally a MMO should have enough weekly content to allow someone to focus entirely on it for their hobby/ game time. Right now it barely has enough for 2 hours a week if you dont push keys to 14+ and can’t get a mythic raid guild.


Making the game more unfriendly to PuGs is always a mistake in my eyes.

Guilds and small groups, premades, aren’t the majority, it’s always been nameless PuGs that are doing auto-queue and stuff that keep the lights on.

WoW got popular in the first place because you could play most of it on your own, only being pushed into groups for the occasional dungeon or group quest.

If it wasn’t for BG Blitz, I already would’ve left.

And yeah, there’s not really enough content to keep you around permanently, you’re just gonna run out of fun things to do.

I don’t think I’ve ever met a player that does all content. Everyone has their own niche they prefer.


That’s your opinion, there’s plenty of people that remained subscribed but are just playing other things.


That’s because of the nice little thing called WoW tokens. Whales get to pay for other people’s subs.

However, it may also be one of the few things keeping Blizz from being able to make a new mmo.

Basically though, once youve done everything in a patch that can be done without a CE guild, there is no reason to continue playing because those guilds are quite exclusionary and have pretty much shuttered or become completely full for the current patch as well.
Unless you feel like spending RL cash for them to allow you in.


Already moving goalposts, classic.


BFA threw a lot of things against the wall to see what sticks, they were pretty desperate in keeping the numbers.

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That’s healthy. Wow shouldn’t be all anyone ever plays 24/7.


Probably what will happen pretty soon. Microsoft will tell Blizz to get subs back to week 1 numbers or get budgets cut.

Did not say 24/7. Said with their free time/game time.


Right now the Brutosaur mount sales and mtn dew promo are buffering the Q4 revenue numbers, losing subs is worth the difference.

Thats cuz everyone is done with the season, people will be back in season 2 when theres new stuff to do


The reason people unsub or quit retail is because nobody cares about it. CE/AotC/Gladiator, they all mean nothing to most of the WoW playerbase.

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Somehow I dont think that is a sustainable business model, either.

Nor is that. What happens when people just…don’t come back?

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I can see a new format where there is a retail patch released, 3 months later a remix and classic patch releases, 3 months later a new retail patch and so on.

They just sold like over a million or more AH mounts so they dont care who leaves


I would like to point out 99% of them were bought using WoW tokens that were purchased months to years ago.

Thats even more money cuz token is $20 vs $15 lol … cuz i looked on AH and there was no more tokens at one point


:roll_eyes: I’m pretty sure Microsoft has a basic sense of how video game sales work, considering they’ve been in the business for decades.


Thats the thing. They have little to no idea how MMORPG GAMES work, evidenced by their botching of ffxi on 360, and inability to get ffxiv onto xbox one due to an unwillingness to compromise.

Theyre great at pushing out “play and throw away” games like “the magic schoolbus”.
Not so great at games with upkeep costs.

Microsoft also doesn’t do development, they do publishing. So…they dont make games. They make money.