Might be the most iconic weapon type of fantasy, the legendary two handed sword, shocked we don’t have one tbh.
…like Ashbringer?
Eh, doesn’t count due to a technicality. The Corrupted one from Naxx was an epic, and the one from Legion was an Artifact. Not quite sure why the new 2h is another Axe instead of a Sword or something.
His concept art already had an axe. Kinda looked like a one hand though.
Should of been a sword
Bad B8 (10 characters)
Eh, if I had to guess I probably would’ve picked 2H still. Its hard to tell with the shaft being perfectly hidden by his body though.
Isn’t…uh, spelling warning, Gorshelac from Antorus a 2H sword?
That’s not legendary through. That’s just a cosmetic 2h epic.
Just curious, how old is that concept art? Is that from the DF collector’s edition or something?
It’s a purple
Ah. My bad.
I would argue that the pen is the most iconic weapon, and we do not have one of those either. The next legendary should be an off-hand pen.
An off-hand pen? Masochist. Most of us can’t use writing utensils in our off-hand.
should have a legendary 2 hander sword
If I had to guess the real answer? They intended to with frostmourne at one point but decided against it… and instead to shatter frostmourne to make dk blades in legion so now they can never do it unless they do some serious back tracking or ask the runedork in the maw to make another one or something for “”““reasons””“”
What sword?
The Ashbringer…
Looks like a recolor of Shadowmourne…
Not a weapon per se, but ‘https://www.wowhead.com/item=128535/enchanted-pen’