Wow has bugs? two times, one is Rogue and anohter is ret

It’s so strange. I battle with several guys whose gear are far lower than mine.
But dps is much higher than me. One time the guy is a Rogue.
When I mentioned this to him, he just LOL and said Rogue’s aoe is very brutal. (Possible?)
Today I battel with another guy: one ret. His gear is very low(could be 465 even lower, mine is 476).
But his DPS is higher than mine no matter single boss or aoe.
it’s so strange.
Anyone knows the details? It’s some battle pattern bugs?
Ret name is Escanøor .
BTW, I’m not a stanger to wow and I have studied the dps for long time.
I comapred his talent config, it’s just standard. Mine is similar.

What’s a DZ?

Also DPS is very situational. The others could be better at their rotation or you could have literally missed a single ability via a mechanic happening that you preformed for while they didn’t or vice versa.

There are ways of checking how you are preforming for your item level or running sims and such. Check those out because gear doesn’t equal skill.

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A dubious zucchini, maybe?


Dungeon zerker.

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Can you be a Human or Elf version? Cause that might be interesting. They have a tank spec right?

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Demilitarized zone?

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No… that’s called DMZ.


My fault. it’s a Rogue.

Wow has bugs?

Yeah, it’s called Slipstream. It has never functioned consistently.

There are various possibilities to explain why one person’s dps is higher despite having worse gear. Things to consider include:

Was his gear enchanted/gemmed while yours was not?
Was his gear better suited to the class based on the secondary stat distribution (mastery, haste, etc)?
Did he have tier bonuses while you did not?
Did he have powerful trinkets to boost his damage output while yours are not?
Was he using his cooldown abilities more frequently/optimally?
Was he using a different damage rotation than you were?

All these can make a significant difference in comparing dps between two individuals, at least when looking at the same spec. However, I am too lazy to look both of you up to compare so I can not answer these questions for you.

As for the rogue, they are just doing very well this patch if I am remembering correctly.