WoW Freezing Intermittently

Hello all,

WoW’s audio and screen freezes for 5-10 seconds randomly - It could be looking at my bags or character in town, or in the middle of combat.

I’m getting 100fps. MY CPU is a Ryzen 5 1600X. I have the latest drivers downloaded for my chipset (AMD X370) and my GPU (2070 Super). Nothing is overclocked. I have plenty of power (750 watt 80+ gold power supply). GPU is running at 50 degrees Celsius. WoW is on my SSD, and all other games run flawlessly.

I switched WoW from Directx12 to Directx11, and that did not solve the issue. However, I have not tried Directx11 Legacy, though I don’t think I should have to revert back that far.

I’ve done a scan & repair several times, and even a full uninstall and reinstall - Neither solved this issue.

I uninstalled GeForce Experience even though it’s an NVIDIA 2070 Super. I also disabled G-Sync and Freesync (MSI Monitor).

Pastebin: xyC4vSXX

Any further advice would be greatly appreciated.


I’m pretty sure it’s the prepatch stuff we downloaded because that’s when the lag and freezing started for me.


This has been happening for me as well. Super frustrating, and I’m not sure the cause. I had my task manager running while it happened and it didnt look like any kind of bottlenecking issue

Yes! Came looking to see if someone reported this. I get this sometimes just opening my character pane in Boralus. It happened with no Addons and a fresh game install.

Edit: I should add I have a great system and this only started happening with the prepatch download.


Any other advice from anyone? I posted my dxdiag in pastebin.

I will try anything and everything to get this issue to cease.

Same problem, started with the prepatch download. It could be coincidental but I was able to stop the freezes for a few days by disabling sound, when I turned sound back on today the freezes started again.

It started at the same time as this issue in my case, I have a feeling they’re connected in some way. Hopefully once the prepatch goes live it’ll sort itself out

This is also happening to me but also having weird sound effects issues. I stop getting sound and then about a minute later every sound that should have happened comes through all at once. Already removed mods and reset the client and it is still happening.

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Good point. I also see the downloading issue so they may be related, but that green circle is not always present when the game freezes (not that it has to be for the two issues to be related).

This is happening to me too. Rubber-banding audio, freezes. Not a good play experience. Get if fixed before all the new people enter Azeroth! :slight_smile:

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same stuff happening to me as well!

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Just started experiencing these same issues this evening. No other updates to my PC. I have the same video and audio drivers I was using yesterday. No issues with other games; only WoW is behaving like this.

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Yep, just started experiencing this trash tonight. Yesterday everything was perfectly fine and now I either crash on login or it hitches on the loading screen for half an hour until it kicks me.


Just had my longest client freeze yet. Flying into Vale of Eternal Blossoms for some 8.3 invasions, clicked on the button to view my current follower missions, and the game froze for over 20 seconds.

Seems to be connected with the game trying to retrieve new video or audio resources. Might be associated with the “persistent green ring” issue; the game is re-downloading files it should already have, and now it’s freezing when they’re not found?

This is being addressed at Persistent Green Circle Icon - "game data is being downloaded." - #153 by Fionntána-baelgun. They are going to be releasing a fix, no eta yet though.

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Thank you. I also am getting the persistent green circle downloading background data. I was a little confused because I downloaded the full game. So this all makes sense now. Thanks again