WoW feels way too forgiving

so your idea to make the game feel more meaningful is to make leveling the most toxic aspect of the game? adding a extra time sink to get back the xp you already earned is going to make people so much more toxic when it comes to leveling and way less friendly towards new people. wipe in a dungeon and its vote kick this crap tank for wasting our time and xp. this would alienate a already dwindling playerbase. if you think wows to forgiving than when you die in game unplug your keyboard and play with just a mouse, or dont use keybinds or clicking just type everything out. losing xp when you die is the dumbest idea any mmo has ever had

WoW came to prominence by defeating the MMO that defined the genre, through presenting things like “death shouldn’t cost XP, or require another player to recover that loss.”

WoW has always been the accessible option, that’s why it still exists.

That said, sounds like you’d love classic hardcore!

Its a video game

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WoW classic is that way. :arrow_right:

Your suggestion is terrible to begin with, people would quit and leave the game and drive away new players.

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The game was partially designed by former EverQuest players where that was one of the penalties. That and being sent back to your bind point without your gear. You had to run back to where you died but without gear. This often led to additional deaths and could lead to level loss.

It was realized this was garbage, so there was no way it was coming to WoW.

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not a bad thing. wow needs more serious players anyways not these casuals who only have 30 minutes a week with 10 kids

Would be funny to see a raid group that cannot re-enter their raid due to no longer being max level.

You’re also a casual yourself though.

If you did difficult content, you wouldn’t have cooked up such a bad suggestion.

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I love when people play games in entirely different genre then come to the forums with such terrible ideas like it hasnt been said a million times before. WoW has always been a casuals MMO since 2004, the world was never dangerous and has had differing levels of player forgiveness over the years.


So you want fewer people to play? WoW’s core identity has always been its casual appeal.

You’re basically telling me to take a hike.

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Yeah first people need to die leveling. That does not happen too often. But let’s say it did, how you think it’s gonna go down? I mean people abandon groups when there’s no loss, imagine if you make dying in this game more punishing, grouping is gonna take a hit, so maybe think what about what you say before saying it.

Also, I never understood why people got off on this punishment crap.