WoW feels way too forgiving

You can just pay people to leech you in retail.

Did you know … when WoW first launched, these forums were full of people convinced that the game was too EZ mode, it was going to crash and burn, and that all the real gamers were going to go back to real games like EQ and UO?

Anyway, XP and gear loss was something specifically avoided in WoW, to make the game more accessible.


Even D&D dropped this outdated mode of masochistic thinking in 5e.


I dont wanna be a doomer but like, theres a reason the sub count has been consistantly going down. They need to bring freshness and exsighting gameplay back to the game, not this too casual stuff. XP loss is an easy way to do that and it wont even affect you at max level so why does it matter?

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I figured a lot was because my friends got married and are paying mortgages now, and can’t do overnight gaming sessions.

And have other hobbies.

I mean, I used to play about 80+ hours a week.

Yet, highly competitive gameplay clearly isn’t the answer because so many people have left.

I have never been that competitive with much, or when I was, it was in short bursts. I find it to be unpeaceful, unfulfilling and exhausting to be at the top indefinitely.

Game needs a lot of help

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its like trimming a tree, sometimes it needs to lose a branch so it can grow.

Sometimes you need to lose XP so you can grow.

Also, XP loss isn’t exactly a new idea. It was already an old idea when WoW was new.

I wouldn’t do it, but who knows. Maybe there’s a market for it. I kind of feel like WoW is getting segmented a lot at present though.

It depends on what it is, context. Or is it that way for everything? Maybe I am wrong.

I still give the trophy to the female Goblin death animation.


It really helps to read, ya know? Lmfao

Loss of xp from death is a bad way of going about it, imo (if it’s that way or the highway.) I think options would be best since people aren’t a cookie cutter.

Nobody’s stopping you from deleting your character when you die.

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if that happen then raids/dungeons would not be run at all once you hit 69 again booted from the raid

Bait used to be believable.


I guess people dont know how it works in POE. You dont drop levels, you lose progress. If youre 50% into level 65 and you die you lose a percentage of that. If youre 0% into level 65 and die you dont drop to 64. Thats why its so good to lose experience on death!

Or how about extremely obscure stats and a HUGE talent tree that requires a massive spreadsheet to figure out? Or the requirement to farm for hundreds of hours to get that one item that makes you so happy.

Oh and only .00000001% ever reach end game and kill all the super duper hard bosses. BOY would the game be so much better if it seemed like an obnoxiously difficulty to understand game.

They should make the whole game so hardcore only 100 people can even figure out how to level up and the rest watch in envy.

D2/PoE style XP loss on death wouldn’t even be meaningful in a game where you already have to be AFK to die while leveling.

Even if they made leveling harder, it still wouldn’t be any more meaningful than just wanting to avoid death to not have to do a corpse run. It’d just make it slightly more tedious for newer players.

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There’s nothing good about any of this. It’s just annoying.

Delete your character if you die, coward

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