Wow.exe crashed at character login

As soon as my character gets logged in to the game it crashes. This happens in classic. This is without any addons.


Same is happening with me. Just started happening after maintenance. No addons as well.

I’m trying a repair of the client right now…

Edit: it crashes as soon as i move my camera in-game.
Edit 2: Repaired the client, still crashing as soon as finish entering the world.


Same here, I was logged in fine last night but now when I try to log into classic on any of my characters I get an error 1 second after logging in.

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Same. Disabling addons, restarting launcher/computer have not helped.

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I am having the same issue. :frowning:

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I have reinstalled the game still happening to me as well.

Same here character was in ORG.

Having the same issue. Deleting WTF, Cache and Interface folders didn’t help.

Same issue here. Disabled all addons and issue still occurs.

Same problem. Deleted WTF and Interface, happening on all chars/all servers. I disabled windows game bar. Happens right after logging into char, I can see chat and other chars for an instant and then the crash.

Happening to me aswell, rather unfortunate

So much for maintenance… they broke something GG…

also broken here. Anywhere we can submit dxdiag dump or anything like that?

Thank you for the update, i was just about to repair. but i figured it wouldnt do anything since they just finished Maintenance

Getting the same error. Also tried renaming cache, interface, and WTF folders. Critical error #132 as soon as you log in.

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Crashing after character login confirmed

Same thing was happening to me. Now I get DC’d before the server selection screen comes up. Maybe they’re taken the game back down to fix?

Edit: Im back able to log on now but still crashing immediately. Error 132

Hey guys, as the post mentioned started getting this error after realms came back up. Thus far I have deleted wtf/cache/interface. Ran repair, and launched as admin. Any ideas what to try next?

Same issue.

This is happening to me as well. As soon as I enter world I get stack overflow critical error and crash every time.