Wow Economy - What don't I understand?

So, the WoW economy seems really screwed up to me.

Getting even a reasonable amount of gold seems impossible. I wanted to buy that repair mount for 120k gold.

I’m an herbalist, I thought that I would go farm some herbs. Well, the current top tier herbs go for anywhere from 3 to 5g each on the AH. that means I need to farm 25,000 herbs. that would take about 150 hours of just pure griding for that one mount. No thanks.

Then I thought that I would buy up all the cheap rune cloth and sell it at the median price. Nope, within an hour of doing that someone dropped almost a million runecloth on the AH for 1 silver each. I’m assuming it is just to shut me down. Now I’m stuck with 300k runecloth that I bought for 5-10 silver and have nothing to do with it but eat it.

So yeah, it feels like there is no point trying to make gold. Which basically means that there’s no point in playing except to run through the story once and then quit. Maybe some PvP too, I guess.

Well no one is spending money on mats that will be useless in a few days…

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Trade goods are on a region-wide AH. Not a good way to make gold.

edit: Also, xpac in less than a week.

Like any economy, the wow economy fluctuates. Right now you can probably make better gold doing your covenant callings and questing than farming herbs and ores.

I’ve managed to eek out some gold from buying mats and turning them into other things to sell but the margins are tiny and I would have probably made more gold from just questing.

When the expansion drops there will be a much better opportunity to make money by participating in the economy.

Covenant callings have been nerfed to kingdom come. You used to be able to make around 1500g or so per calling and it’s maybe like 250g? I stopped doing them after the nerf.

The economy has been broken for many many expansions, a lot of people used garrisons to make near gold cap in WoD, lots of people were making tons of gold farming old content before blizzard saw that and nerfed it etc…and then the worst offender of all the WoW token destroyed what’s left. My advice if you want to make some gold in DF look up the professions fast and pick a good one before this monday.

Well someone is making money (i.e. gold) because if you buy a WoW Token you can sell it at the AH for around 200 K Gold.

Well you had 2 years to make over 2 million gold if you played one character … callings used to give about 2k per calling, so 2k per day is 62k a month and 744k a year … now if you had about 5 characters your looking at about 3.7 million gold a year just from doing callings … cant do it now cuz they nerfed them at the end of ex pack

this is why pairing a gathering profession with a complimentary crafting profession makes decent money, I make my money from Shrouded Silk bags…but that won’t last forever, the new expansion is going to offer newer bigger bags eventually…

Imagine working at Walmart and complaining you aren’t a millionaire. This is your fault for not expanding your gold making methods.

Sell items that arent crafting reagents.