I can play any game for hours and hours but as soon as I load up World of Warcraft after around 5-10 minutes it will disconnect me and turn my internet off. I have tried repairing game files, uninstalling reinstalling, disableing addons, not loading out of date addons, and I’ve called my ISP and they said everything should be working.
This is covered in the sticky threads:
I tried updating drivers and power cycling neither worked, I am already using ethernet.
And you tried another network?
I tried ethernet and wifi if that’s what you mean, neither work.
Elocin means another internet connection - hotspot from your phone, a different isp - not just a different method of connecting to the same isp (wired vs wireless).
I don’t have access to any of those, and don’t really think it’s worth getting a brand new isp just for 1 game.
That isn’t the suggestion. Many people have phones with data service or are playing on computers or laptops they can take to someone else’s house where a different ISP is in use.
I don’t have a hot spot or have anyone around me that would lend me one, I could buy one IG but if there was a free solution I would much rather that. Also I don’t feel comfortable going over to someones house just to play WoW with my Desktop and 2 monitors.
Try a VPN. I can’t recommend one because you need to choose what security features are important to you.
I’m having the same issue. Started happening Tuesday and went on all day. Wednesday was completely fine and now today it started back up again.
I tried running WoW through Geforce Now (which is $20 a month but I already had the sub to it) and it worked. I haven’t found any other solutions so far
Maybe the VPN works but I don’t have one to try it.
I got a VPN and so far it has fixed the problem.
It’s super weird, I hope this goes away soon. Two subscriptions to play WoW seems a bit much, wish I knew what was causing this
Sometimes an ISP routing issue can take days or weeks to resolve. Best to alert them about the issue and continue reminding them to fix it.
I think I found the solution, I deleted my WTF and Cache folders in my WoW retail folder. It’s like 2 or 3 hours and haven’t really dc’d. I’ll keep this updated if it doesn’t work.
I tried that one as well but didn’t work. Hope it works for you though.
I’ll take this advice to heart and hoping my game doesn’t DC or crash everytime. Hopefully deleting the WTF and Cache folders should work.
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