WoW Currency

All I was saying is that TECHNICALLY it is more difficult to read 6 digits than 3, even if the amount of difficulty isn’t perceivable you can’t say it’s not true.

I have no idea if it is true or not, the difference is so insignificant it isn’t worth mentioning, let alone using as a basis for an argument.

The argument was “it’s already easy” while true, it can be easier. I don’t think Blizz should do it which is why I suggested looking into addons.

I can’t believe you are suggesting people use an addon because reading 100,000 vs 100 is too hard for them.

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My only goal is to provide the path for people to get what they want.

Some people should never be enabled.

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Reading Kaurmine’s responses, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry lmfao. This is what it’s come to now, of all things: people who feel troubled to use 2 extra brain cells and people who feel the need to argue incessantly in favor of the former.

It’s certainly entertaining to watch though :beer:

I just want everyone to be happy :slight_smile:

If it doesn’t affect me I see no reason to stop someone from pursuing what they want

In my experience, people get grumpy when you threaten to move off a gold standard

…so why drop copper, then? Why do you want “Gem” so badly? Like, you could just add platinum if you want 4 and be done with it? Why add gem and remove copper? That just make silver fill effectively the exact role of copper lmao

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Because blizzard can’t ever do anything without it being full of bugs and no thanks to them playing around with what for some of us is equivalent to real money, (i.e. bnet balance).

I think everyone here is missing the biggest issue with this idea… What would happen to Gold Cap?!! Would it stay 10 million gold or could it possibly go to 10 million platinum? Where would the maximum bid in the Black Market AH lie??? How much would Tokens be worth??? This could make the number crunching much harder, not easier & would most certainly lead to even more inflation in the game.

Completely insignificant cost either way, so who cares?

Not if the copper lobby has it’s way.

why do people look for problems where none exist?


Why do we need to fix something that is not broken?

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I don’t think it’s a “problem” that needs fixing.

But it’s definitely a bit weird. The economy, including built-in costs set by Blizzard, has grown well beyond what it was in Classic. Copper AND Silver are both totally useless by the time you’re like level 40 or something.

But “fixing” this would mean retuning costs starting from level 1. They could probably get away with stopping at level 60 (or Shadowlands Equivalent) since there’s an xpack jump there anyway. But still, it’s a lot of effort for not really any gain. It’s not like silver and copper take up significant UI space or like reading 500,000 gold is hard.

Other bfa currencies

Titan residuum
War resources
Echos of nyawhata
Corrupted momos
Coalescing somethings
Island something thing
And something for 7th legion/honorbound

I’m pretty sure I forgot some.

I really wish all currencies were account bound. That would make alts so much less grindy and allow you to use the excess currencies on your main for something.

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Every expac has had more currencies than the one that preceded it. It’s a joke. Shadowlands is gonna have so many currencies no one is gonna be able to figure out what goes where. We need a currency squish more than we needed a level squish.

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Let’s not remove copper but I like adding platinum and gems.