WoW Currency

That’s what I was thinking but I don’t know if it can be done to the stock UI. If it can’t be done then you’d probably have to do something like what TSM does and make your own UI to render the AH results and that way you could shrink numbers as you wanted. Or if you’re at that point you could add your own currency. The conversion would be the easy part I’d think it’s the UI creation and getting AH results that would take time.

No. Awful idea.

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Small-timers, all of you. The future of currency is in Very Unlucky Rocks.

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I doubt it since they aren’t removing visions in SL - people will still be able to run them (which is good since I still need some little pets and only want to do them when I outgear them lol).


I don’t have much of an issue with platinum per se, but to add ‘gems’ after makes it sound like a mobile game. Besides, we already mine gems and sell them for gold. It was bad enough we mine gold and sell it for silver.


To get rid of copper:


and to go back you just type


To make XXg,XXXXs,XXXXc, you can type

/script COPPER_PER_SILVER=10000
/script SILVER_PER_GOLD=10000

You can play around with the numbers as you wish :slight_smile:

I personally have a macro that makes my game work entirely in Copper. I have exactly 72,736,480,916 copper on this character right now and I love it!


I don’t see any real reason to change it. Gold is basically the defacto currency, and making something cost 500 Platinum or 5 Gems is not really that much simpler than saying it costs 50k gold.

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I think most of us playing are adults and educated… I think… however wondering at this point.


Or ‘we’ could just institute a squish.

Is 4,000 hard to read, how about 45,000, or 150, 000? There is very little in the millions on that auction house and if you find a million hard to read it is unlikely you can afford to buy those items anyway


And I can just imagine someone asking for a salary. “Sir I would like $100 because it’s much easier to read than $100,000.” Right. You can either figure out how to decipher numbers or fail.


You forgot electrum.

/jingles Bucknard’s Everfull Purse

I was going to create a sassy response but Korette and Ashna have pretty much summed it up for you above lol.

Not really necessary.

It worked in other games like Everquest(platinum coins) because coin had weight associated to it and carrying too much copper was bad so you’d go to a bank to exchange it for fewer, but higher value coins.

In wow this doesn’t exist (and I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist in eq either, EQ2 no longer has it) so it’s not really a problem.

I remember exchanging coin by sending a letter with how much coin I wanted to make into larger coins, writing the letter, attaching the money, then canceling. I also remember exchanging coin with my tank in my group because he could carry more than my warlock could(cloth caster, I typically only carried boat fare in EQ2 but when you’re grinding xp you get coin lol).

Ah, those were the days.

Seriously? It’s already very easy to read, and the number of digits won’t change. 145g 99s 99c would become 1p 45g 99s 99c, what exactly is the point of that?

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So what your saying is, a person reading
uses the EXACT same amount of brain power that they use to read

You can’t honestly believe that. Even if the amount is irrelevant, let’s use another example. What takes more strength to pick up, one pencil or 2 pencils?

So you are claiming your brain power is in that short supply?


I didn’t say I wanted the change, only that the change would make the AH easier to read for those that do want it :slight_smile:

Just because something is already easy, doesn’t mean it can’t be made easier.

this is so not needed.


Brains are like muscle, they need exercise. In the interests of humanity, I think the game should make people read those extra 000 if that is going to allow them to exercise their brains a bit more.

However, there’s good reason why many people compare the brain to muscle – in both cases, the “Use it or lose it” principle applies.

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