WoW council and no feedback

I’m sorry, but the majority of your own council doesn’t agree with you, yet you say they had input into this decision… so if you didn’t listen to them… then, what? listen to the “community” you claim you care about? you show that you really don’t.

There is a reason the #nochanges crew was so adamant about you guys mucking with the system, they knew you would mess it up in all the worst ways. Stop. Touching.

This is proof no one put in the input, they didn’t ask anyone, they just chose without input at all, nothing in her statement says they asked the player base at all.

Edit: added more proof they don’t listen nor care.


its about money. they use the term “community input” to justify their expansion of their money making web that people cannot see

I’m sorry but I laffed here. Good show.

But I do get what you’re saying. I wish the CC meant something other than a PR feelgood move.

I’ve already said a couple of times that dungeon finder being in or not doesn’t impact me or my gaming adversely. But the idea that it is now the boogyman and to blame for a myriad of community ills is ludicrous.

Dungeon Finder was a feature in Wrath. Put it in as it was and individuals can decide if they wish to utilize it or not. Just like the barbershop which I don’t need or plan to use but why hinder those that want it.


Letholas agrees with me. And let’s face it, he’s always been “top tier” of the WoW council, if you know what I mean. The guy you go to when you really want the good takes.

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No changes would mean introduce the group finder when Ruby Sanctum comes out probably.

I’m quite sure that’s not what you want.

I’m fine with it coming when it was designed to come out, patch 3.3.5 and all its changes.