WoW console port

Port this thing to console. The UI overhaul of DF would be an excellent oppurtunity to introduce an alternate controller UI. The curation of active abilities through the new trees would allow players to create a potentially reduced set of abilities that they can manage with a controller, if they aren’t able to otherwise. PC players can have a novel way to play the game without the assistance of addons.

The justification for controller support was accessibility, but it was implied a port would be possible if a decent prototype was made.

Obviously crossplay would be a must have feature of a possible port. Thank you.


Console ports of MMOs hold back the PC version to a huge degree.

So, no, let’s not.


Myself, I would rather see a open world single player RPG based on Warcraft
than see WoW on console.


How so? The only thing I have seen them say is a port isn’t likely to ever happen (reasoning has nothing to do with controller support).

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Absolutely not.


But consoles are cheaper then a PC, and I know I only have a PC for WOW, I play no other games on a PC. I rather lay in bed and be comfortable playing a console then sitting at a desk


You aren’t going to get a lot of people to support a downgraded experience going forward because you want to play WoW in bed.


Hook your PC up to your TV.


“In the case of Diablo 3, I felt pretty confident we had a good plan for making that gameplay work well on console. So if we were ever to do something like that [with WoW], I’d want to see a good, solid prototype that showed me we could all play our characters and feel we had good command over them, and could experience the world smoothly and things could be visually as enticing as they are on PC.” - John Hight, Chief Caretaker for the World of Warcraft

100 percent agree

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When was that?

During an interview with IGN, World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas spoke about the long-running MMORPG‘s improved controller support coming in the Dragonflight expansion and whether that means console ports are looming on the horizon. In short, he’s not a fan of the idea.

“Nah, I think World of Warcraft is a game designed from the ground up for the PC,” Hazzikostas said. “I think we’ve just been looking at the ways in which add-ons have at times felt increasingly required, or like the first thing you do when someone comes to the game for the first time is tell them, ‘Hey, go download this add-on pack and move this stuff around’ and we want to do better for our players.”

From April of this year.

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There is a console port add-on. I know some folks have had success with it. There are YouTube videos of folks using console port in high rated arenas and PVE.

You don’t even need the addon anymore, they added native controller support.

Isn’t the native one though done by the /commands?

The add-on makes it pretty and easier I thought?

Well, if Ion says so, it must be set in stone then. Unfortunate!

That I couldn’t tell you, I just remember them saying that the game would now work with a controller without needing to download anything extra. You could be right. Either way though, you can use a controller, but that has no bearing on whether or not it would actually come to consoles or not.

Why when they added console controller support for the game with this expansion in 9.0.1

you think the pc players are toxic wait till the console players get wow.


I want to increase the toxicity of our cities, our cities!

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It was July 2020. But in that same interview Euripidies quoted, Hight also said this: